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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 24

Isabel, Diana, and Austin were huddled together. Diana and Austin were on the other side of the counter so they were the first to spot her. Isabel had her back to her and was dressed in a large fluffy coat but Cassie could spot her best friend from miles away and had no problem identifying her.

Isabel whirled around on her barstool. “Cassie!” She exclaimed and sauntered over in her impossibly high stilettos to hug her friend. “I am so happy to see you.”

“Thanks,” Cassie said, holding back a sneeze as the fabric of her friend’s coat tickled her nose and she knew that she would never hear the end of it if she sneezed on Isabel. “I’m also happy to see you. But what are you doing here? You don’t work here. Or do you now? Did you quit working at Club Indigo?” Cassie asked. She said the last sentence in a silent whisper so that only Isabel could hear her. People didn’t often react positively to finding out that someone was a stripper and even though all sorts of people worked at Club Indigo – from strippers to waiters to accountants – people generally assumed that anyone that worked at Club Indigo was probably a cheap and classless whore. It was the major reason why Isabel only told people that she was comfortable with her actual profession. To anyone else that asked, she was just a hairstylist.

Isabel snorted. “I wish. I still work at that hell hole but my shift starts at ten. I’m just here to hear firsthand how your first day of work went.”

“And you two?” Cassie asked, addressing Diana and Austin. “Your shift ended hours ago. What are you still doing here?”

“Good evening to you too.” Austin snorted. “We’re here for the same reason that she’s here.” He explained pointing at Isabel.

“Yeah, girl. Spill all the tea.” Diana said, lifting her teacup. Then she giggled to herself at her poorly made joke.

“So let me get this straight.” Cassie began slipping her apron on. “You left your homes for gossip?”

“Not entirely. It just happens that the universe works in mysterious ways. It suddenly became convenient for us both to work the evening shift. Classes have started for the semester and I can’t come around during the day anymore. It’s finally nice to be studying what I love but I’m still going to need the extra cash this place brings.” Diana explained.

After high school, Diana had tried out studying dentistry in accordance with her parents’ demand, but she hated it with every fiber of her being so she had dropped out after her second year. Her parents were furious and cut her off until she agreed to re-enroll. With encouragement from supportive friends, Diana re-enrolled in college to study art like she had wanted to in the first place.

Cassie nodded in understanding. “And you?”

“Oh. I’m just here for the gossip. It’s not like I have much going on in my life anyways.” Austin admitted with a shrug.

Cassie looked around the café. There weren’t many people present. A young couple had nestled themselves in one of the booths in the corner and a trio of sorority girls was giggling silently to themselves.

“Okay. So my day started off great.” Cassie began. “I got the kids ready for school and headed for work.”


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