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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 25

The rest of Cassie’s week, just as Daniel had predicted, had actually gone a lot better. The main reason the week had gone on so smoothly was that Felix hadn’t been around for most of the time. He had a series of meetings to attend on the other side of the country so Cassie was mostly left to herself. It wasn’t entirely that she was free to do whatever she wanted in the office or to completely slack off as she still had to come to work during those days.

No matter how early she got to work, Felix always arrived before her. She would walk in with his cup of black coffee to find him in front of his laptop or bent over numerous files. He would accept the coffee without a word and then she would go to her corner to begin work for the day; mostly answering phone calls and confirming appointments. Sometime around ten, Felix would leave the office to take the company’s jet to his meeting all the way in Washington. Once, he didn’t return back to Tech Town until it was almost time for her to close for the day and the other two days, he had flown back to the office multiple times during the day to pick up things that he forgot. Cassie thought that the trips were highly detrimental to the environment and it would have probably been more environmentally friendly to have the meeting via any video conferencing app but it wasn’t in her place to say. Felix was usually gone for most of the day but he would call into the office to assign her new tasks and to find out whether she had completed the tasks that he had assigned to her before he left the office. She found that with Felix, absence did not make the heart grow fonder. The less she saw of him, the better for everyone.

As a result of how frequently Felix called into the office, she always had to be on her seat to pick up on the first ring. This left her very isolated at Tech Town. Throughout her entire time at Tech Town, she only left the office to use the bathroom and to grab lunch and as a result, she had only ever spoken to a few people in total – Daniel, Felix, Emerald, some of the security guards and the lady that made lunch for the company staff. She hadn’t seen Daniel all week as he was probably busy with his own work. The lady that made lunch for the company staff was always too busy for Cassie to have anything more than polite small talk with her. She would be damned if she ever tried to make friends with Emerald or Felix. Once, Emerald had come into the office to drop a file and Cassie could almost feel the hatred radiating off the other woman. It was almost as suffocating as her perfume.

Things went to shit on Friday. It had started out like every other normal day. Cassie had arrived and handed Felix his cup of coffee as usual and he had neglected to thank her as usual. He had left for Washington a bit earlier that day but Cassie wasn’t about to complain. The less she saw of Felix, the better. Things took a strange turn just before afternoon.

The office phone rang out and assuming that it was Felix calling to ask whether she had found the phone number he was looking for, Cassie had bolted towards the phone, bumping her hip against the corner of the table in her hurry.

She bit back a curse and forced some delight into her voice as she picked up the phone. “Good morning. You have reached the office of Felix Callahan. This is Cassie Peters. How may I help you?” Whoever was on the other end of the line definitely wasn’t Felix as he would have interrupted her rehearsed line before she got the chance to complete it. She didn’t particularly blame him. He called her multiple times in a day and it would have been tiring for both of them if he waited for her to finish her greeting before he began speaking.

“Good morning Miss Peters. This is Annalisa Torres.” The woman on the other end of the line.

Cassie remembers Annalisa. She was a petite lady that worked as the receptionist. Annalisa had frizzy hair that could have easily been fixed with a little bit of conditioner. Cassie tried not to judge Annalisa’s hair. She had just had her hair fixed and knew what it felt like for people to diss her hair.

“How may I help you, Miss Torres?” She asked, rubbing the side of her hip that had bumped against the table.

“There’s someone down here named Sapphire and she claims that she has an appointment with Mr. Callahan.”

“Mr. Callahan is not on a seat at the moment and I’m not sure when he will be back.”

There was a bit of rustling from Annalisa’s end. “Sapphire says that she’s prepared to wait for him to get back.”

“Okay then. Let me just confirm her appointment. Does Sapphire have a last name?” She asked, pulling up Felix’s schedule for the day. The names on the schedule were mostly last names. First names were typically abbreviated so if Sapphire had an appointment with Felix, it would have looked something like: Meeting with Ms. S (whatever Sapphire’s last name was).


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