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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 28

“I’m sorry?” Felix offered. His words came out more of a question than a statement.

“Oh my God!” The elderly woman exclaimed. “You’re bleeding!” She said as she walked briskly towards Cassie.

“I am?” Cassie asked, bringing her fingers to her forehead. And sure enough, when she looked at her hand, it was slick with blood. “Huh? Would you look at that?”

“Don’t touch it.” The woman ordered, swatting Cassie’s hand away. “Do you know how many germs are on a person’s hand? Do you want to get it infected?” She asked.

Cassie shook her head at every question and regretted it soon enough. The pain that shot through her head with every movement she made with her head felt worse than recovering from a hangover.

“Felix, please, grab the first aid kit from under that table.” The woman instructed, pointing at Cassie’s work table.

“There’s no first aid kit under that table.” Cassie muttered. “I’ve been working here for almost a week now and I haven’t noticed anything.”

Felix obeyed without hesitation and pulled out a first aid kit from under Cassie’s table. The woman rifled through the first aid kit, muttering under her breath as she tried to ensure that everything she would need to treat Cassie’ injury was available. The woman looked up and fixed Felix with a disapproving glare. “Did you use up all of the band aids?” She asked.

Felix shrugged in response.

The woman sighed and stood up from beside Cassie. “All right then. It doesn’t look like she’ll need stitches so this is something you can handle. Clean up the blood while I head back downstairs. I left my purse down there and I know that I have some band aids in there.”

“You can’t go downstairs.” Felix objected. “You’re still recovering from the heart attack. I’ll go get them.” He offered.

The woman rolled her eyes at him. “I’m not made out of glass, Felix. I’m just going to take the elevator down, walk a couple of feet to the reception, grab my purse and then take the elevator back up. I’ll be fine.” She assured. “And Felix, be nice or else.” She threatened, then walked out of the office before Felix could object.


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