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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 32

Cassie had taken her sweet time getting out of bed on Monday morning. For the first time since she had started work at Tech Town, she had been able to wake up at seven thirty instead of by five like she regularly did. Although the twins were also relieved to have almost two extra hours of sleep, they were even more excited at the possibility that they would have the opportunity to meet their sister and properly hang out with her once they got back from school. Usually, after her day at Tech Town, Cassie would quickly head home to check how they were fairing before rushing off to her shift at the Bean House. When she got back later in the day, they would have already gone to bed. Aaron and Lily rarely saw her and missed their big sister.

As she had no reason to go to work that morning, Cassie had enough time to cut the twins’ pancakes into animal shapes, pack them a nutritious lunch and finally do the laundry like she had been planning to all month. Once the clothes were out of the dryer, Cassie sat down in front of the television and began to fold them. It took her the better part of the morning as her attention was divided between doing laundry and binge watching a new series Amanda had recommended. When she was done, she thought of using her laptop to fix the bugs in the app she made for Isabel. Cassie was glad that Isabel had stopped hounding her to sell the app to a professional tech company. As much as Isabel insisted that the app was great and helpful, Cassie didn’t think so. Every time she looked at the codes for any piece of software that she had written, all she ever saw were the flaws and imperfections. She never thought that anything she had coded was good enough to be bought. And there was the fact that neither she nor Isabel had ever been able to come up with a suitable name for the app so they had just gone with calling it: For Isabel. The name was cute but not exactly marketable.

Cassie emptied the contents of her bag only to discover that her laptop wasn’t there. It took her nearly an entire hour to search the whole house but she still came up with no laptop. Had one of the twins snuck it into their backpacks without her knowledge? It wouldn’t be the first time they had pulled a stunt like that. Had her laptop been stolen on the subway without her knowledge? She was just about to go into full panic mode when she realized that she had left it at Tech Town on Friday.

She groaned all the way to her room so that she could change from her pajamas into street appropriate clothes. She had planned an entire day of relaxation which admittedly revolved around lounging in front of the television in nothing but pajamas until her siblings got home from school. Diana had called her idea of relaxation ‘sad’ but considering all that she had been through within the past week, lazily lounging in front of the television was a good way to relax. Now her week had been ruined because she had been stupid enough to leave her laptop at work ever since Friday.

She took a quick shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a sparkly top. It wasn’t entirely a cooperate outfit but as she was going there to grab her laptop and not to actually work, she thought it was appropriate for the occasion. She grabbed her satchel and groaned internally – and sometimes, externally – all the way to Tech Town.

“Hey Cassie.” Annalisa greeted at the reception once Cassie walked through the door. “How’s your head?”

Cassie shifted her hair from her slowly but surely fading bruise and smiled at Annalisa. “It is way better than it was on Friday but it still hurts a little bit.” She confessed, as she rearranged her hair over her face again. “Thanks for asking.”

“No biggie. Hey I don’t think that you’re supposed to be at work today. I don’t know if anyone told you this, but Mr. Callahan went on a business trip to Tokyo and probably won’t be back until next Monday. So, lucky you. You’re free for the rest of the week.”

Cassie sighed contentedly. “Oh I know. But I forgot my laptop here last week so I’m just going to head right up and pick it up then I’ll be out of here and get back to the binge watching routine I had going on my couch.”

Annalisa nodded in understanding. “I wish I was binge watching stuff on my couch right now but that’s impossible so I’ve settled for secretly binge watching stuff on my laptop here.” She confessed, then turned the screen of her laptop so that Cassie could see the movie that Annalisa had been secretly watching all day.

Cassie mimed zipping her lip, waved goodbye at her colleague and slipped into the elevator. Once she got to the top floor, she came face to face with Daniel heading out of a conference room with a couple of the other members of the marketing department.

“Hi. Long time no see.” She greeted.

“Hey right back at you. Sorry I can’t stay to chat.” He apologized. “I’m heading for a meeting downstairs. You are super late today. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Everything’s fine.” Cassie responded. “I don’t even have work today. I just came to grab something I forgot in Felix’s office.”

Daniel blanched at her words. “Look Cassie. I know that I haven’t known you for that long and we’re not that close so I’m in no way entitled to tell you what to do but you do not want to go into Felix’s office right now. Trust me on this.”

Cassie cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

Daniel opened his mouth to explain but his colleague halted whatever explanation by urging him to wrap up his conversation and head on downstairs for the rest of their meeting. Daniel looked back at Cassie apologetically. “I don't have time to explain but if you value your sanity and happiness, you will not go into Felix’s office. Evil is in there” He warned and walked away to join his colleagues.


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