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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 33

By the time Cassie got back to Felix’s office, she found Bethany sprawled out of one of the couches present in the office. Her black heels dangled from one end revealing the rode soles underneath them. The envelope that she had been clutching close to herself lay dormant on the ground beside her handbag. She was scrolling though the catalogue of a high end online boutique and mindless adding every item that crossed her screen into her virtual shopping cart.

“Is that you, Chloe?” She asked without looking up.

Cassie huffed. She had gone through all that stress in acquiring Bethany’s food and the woman didn’t even know her name. The lady that made lunch for the company’s staff, whose name Cassie had once again forgotten to ask for, had smiled at her sympathetically when she had asked for Bethany’s order.

“You can’t get her order here, hon.” She had declared in her thick Tennessee accent. “You are going to have to go to that vegan restaurant across the office to get it.”

Cassie had dashed out of the office and into a vegan restaurant, a swanky place named Green Bowl, where she had queued up for thirty minutes to get Bethany’s order. She had been able to get the salad without any problems – although the server had looked at her with utmost contempt when she had asked for the croutons and salmon to be removed from the chef salad – but the lime had been a different issue. Green Bowl hadn’t had any issue with providing her with what was probably the largest lime Cassie had ever seen but she had gone to their kitchen to cut it up into two centimeters thick sphere with the help of a kitchen knife and one of Green Bowl’s chefs who was kind enough to told a lamp while she had chopped the lemon according to Bethany’s requests. She had avoided accidentally cutting her hand in the process but she hadn’t been able to avoid some of the lime’s juice squirting into her eye. She could still feel it lime’s acidic sting in her reddened right eye.

“My name is Cassie.” She corrected.

Bethany sat up and stared Cassie down. “Like a give a fucking damn. Where you able to get my lunch order? Better hope for the sake of your job that you didn’t screw it up.”

Cassie handed her the recyclable paper bag that Bethany’s lunch had come in. Bethany snatched it up without a thank you – like mother, like son apparently – and brought out the two containers that were present inside it; one container held the salad and the other container held the lime slices. Then she turned the paper bag upside down and hit the bottom dramatically. “Where’s my drink?” she asked, disdainfully.

“You didn’t ask for a drink.” Cassie stated after racking her brain. “You asked for a salad and sliced lime.”

Bethany scoffed. “I know I didn’t ask for a drink. I just thought that maybe you had enough fucking sense in that stupid head of yours to get me a drink. Don’t you know that eating without having something to drink close by is a choking hazard?”

Cassie threw her hands up in exasperation. “I’m very sorry Bethany…”

“Do not address me by my first name!” She sneered. “I might not look like it, but I am older than you and you are not even in my league.”

“I’m very sorry Mrs. Hart.” Cassie corrected. “There’s a water dispenser over there and I can get you a cup of water if you’d like.” She offered, pointing to the water dispenser in the corner.

Bethany scoffed at her. “Unless that dispenser would give me sparkling water or mineral water, I do not fucking want it.” She whined.

“Okay. What can I get you then?” Cassie asked as politely as possible. She had thought that Felix was difficult, she had no idea how much of a bitch his mother was.


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