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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 35

Cassie wished that Daniel could have followed her back to Felix's office to confront Bethany but she knew that her wish was impossible. Just like her, Daniel had a job to do and she didn't wish to drag him away from his job to participate in something that could go terribly wrong and cost his job in the process with just a single word.

Bethany was still nestled on the couch where Cassie had left her when she had entered the office.

“I hope you didn't crease it.” She said when Cassie handed her the dress. She unzipped the plastic bag and pulled out her dress to check for any possible creases.

Cassie waited for her to acknowledge the dog but Bethany’s full attention was on the dress.

Satisfied that her dress was fine, Bethany slid her shades off her head and unknotted the satin scarf around her neck. Then she began to take off her underwear. “It’s always better to wear silk without underwear.” She stated. “See something you like?” She asked, she slipped off her bra. Then she jiggled her breast seductively at Cassie and laughed drunkenly.

Cassie frowned at her. She wasn't the least bit interested in Bethany's mostly plastic boobs. She was more concerned about the fact that Bethany was an irresponsible pet owner. Aaron and Lily could probably do a better job of taking care of the dog with both their eyes closed and one arm tied behind their backs. “I want to talk to you about the dog you left in your car.” She started, choosing her words carefully. She needed to construct her sentences in a way that she got the message across to Bethany without endangering her job.

Now completely naked, Bethany began to stroke her chin. “What are you talking about? I don’t have a dog.”

Cassie held up the carrier so that Bethany could see the quivering puppy that was inside. It had been shaking ever since Cassie had pulled it out of the car but it shook even more once Bethany fixed her gaze on it. The poor thing was afraid of Bethany. It probably wasn’t the only one. Cassie heard it let out a low whimper.

“Oh yes that stupid thing.” She declared haughtily as she bent down, ass high in the air, to pick up her dress. “I completely forgot about it. I knew something smelt the moment you walked in. I was about to ask if you changed your perfume.” She teased then laughed at her stupid joke. She began to jump up and down as she tried to squeeze herself into the dress. Bethany wasn’t plus sized by any means – thanks to her plastic surgeon – but she still refused to buy dresses that were her actual size, preferring instead to put on outfits that were so tight, they appeared to be a second layer of skin.

Cassie could hardly blame the dog for being smelly. It was still a puppy; it didn’t look older than four months. The carrier stunk of its piss and poop. Its fur was matted and browned with various clumps of poop and other substances that she couldn’t identify sticking to it. The dog needed a bath soon. And a bowl of food and water. It looked terribly malnourished.

“Mrs. Hart, I don’t think you’re supposed to leave dogs in the car with the windows up. They can die from lack of air or from a heat stroke.” She advised.

“Oh. Pish posh.” Bethany said, stopping to catch her breath. She had managed to pull the dress up her hips. “I left Felix in the car with the windows up all the time and he turned out just fine. I mean he did pass out a couple of times but that’s just because he’s a weak ass bitch.” She declared. “If it’s good enough for a human, it’s good enough for a dog.”

Cassie stared at the struggling woman in disbelief. So she was not only a terrible dog owner but also a terrible mother! It was no wonder why Felix had wished that Rose was his mother instead. Cassie didn't know Rose very well but from the little she knew, she could tell that Felix's former PA was a nice person with a good heart and she reasoned that anyone would make a way better mother than Bethany.


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