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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 41

I just don't understand how a person can be so terrible.” Cassie muttered when her and Rose finally pulled away from their hug. “I’m only here shopping for fruit because she wants me to make her a fruit salad from scratch because the other fruit salad that I bought from a vegan restaurant cut their kiwis to smaller wedges.”

Rose sighed. “Bethany was raised in a wealthy home. Her mother was a housewife who spoiled her silly and her father was mostly absent in her upbringing. While she was still in high school, her mother died and her father discovered just how much his wife had spoiled their only child. She was terrible to their domestic staff and anyone else that wasn't in the same social status as she. As any good father would, he tried correcting her bad attitude but Bethany had already made up her mind to be the worst human being in the world.”

Cassie nodded. Of course it made sense that Bethany was just a spoiled rich kid who had grown up to be a spoiled rich adult. “And by extension, Felix is terrible because his mum raised him.”

“Yes and no.” Rose smiled sadly. “Look, I can talk about Rose all I want because I have no respect for her and most people already know these things about her. For Felix however, I think you would better appreciate him if you took the time to figure out the kind of person that he is behind what he pretends to be. The story of his life is his to tell and if he decides to open up to you, you’ll realize that he really isn’t all that bad.”

“Oh. I am aware that he’s not all that bad.” Cassie said. “I know that he’s a much better person than Bethany as he never threatened to fire someone else if I didn’t make it to work on time or make me give him a mani-pedi.”

Rose smiled sympathetically. “At least you’re not going to have to be working for her permanently. Felix is not going to be out of the country forever. Oh and a word of advice to make life easier for you and Felix, in the future, you are going to have to lie to Bethany a lot whenever she calls the office to ask whether Felix is in. I did that a lot.”

Cassie snorted. “That’s if I even pick up the phone once I see that she’s the one calling.”

Rose laughed merrily. “Well I better let you get back to your shopping. I still have much to do myself. Amy has insisted that I get back in the dating game so that I wouldn’t be alone when she eventually starts college so I’m shopping for ingredients and silverware for tomorrow’s dinner date with a retired doctor named Cedric. I’m thinking of making beef bouillabaisse.”

“Good luck with that.” Cassie said waving her goodbye. After a couple of more minutes of searching, she found a knife that was just the right size for her to use to cut up the fruit that she bought without having to face the temptation of shoving it deep into Bethany. In her entire life before Bethany, she had never thought of causing anyone physical harm. She wasn’t even the kind of person that condoned violence but Bethany was slowly changing her mind on her previous stance.

Annalisa was nowhere to be found when she returned to the office. Cassie had never stayed that late in the office before so she didn’t know what usually happened around that time but she guessed that Annalisa had either taken a bathroom break or had gone home already; it was probably the later. It was already dark outside and if not for the city’s light pollution, Cassie would have been able to see the stars. Aaron and Lily would probably already be in bed. That is, if they decided to be obedient. They might very well have been playing with Snowflake or watching a movie. Whatever they were doing, both of them would have assumed that she would have been at her shift at the Bean House and would have no need to be worried about her. She still wished that she was able to reach them on the home phone but that was a useless wish as her phone was still wedged in between Bethany’s boobs. She tried not to think too hard about the current location of her phone or the fact that Bethany could have started going through her phone the moment she walked out of the office’s door.

She was halfway to Felix’s office when the elevator door slid open. She should have known right from the smell who was entering the elevator with her but her entire being was already exhausted from running around fulfilling Bethany’s demands that she didn’t register the identity of the person until she heard the voice.

“You again?!” Emerald snarled.

Cassie looked up at her tiredly. Even before Emerald walked into the elevator, she could already feel her lungs filling up with the scent of Bethany’s perfume. Did the woman take a shower with an entire bottle of the stuff before coming to work? “Right back at you.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I work here.” Cassie stated slowly. Maybe all the cocaine had fried every single one of Emerald’s brain cells so that she could no longer recall her co-worker.

“I know that, you stupid bitch.” Emerald snapped. “I mean what are you still doing here by this time? You’re usually out of the office by this time.”


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