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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 42

Wednesday morning rolled around too quickly in Cassie’s opinion. She had spent the previous day completely in Bethany’s service and as a result, had been one of the last people to leave Tech Town the previous night. As Bethany fished Cassie’s phone from within the valley between her breasts, she had informed Cassie that she expected her to be at work the next morning and would not tolerate lateness. As Bethany had handed Cassie her phone, she couldn’t help but feel like a mischievous high school student getting her phone back after a teacher had confiscated it because she had been using it while in class.

Cassie was making breakfast for herself and the twins when she heard a knock at the door. She had already started to wipe her wet hands on pajama shorts when Snowflake, who had been lying down at her feet waiting for a slice of bacon to drop from the frying pan, shot up and ran out of the kitchen. She stood at the door with her tail wagging excitedly at the prospect of having a new visitor. Cassie lifted her off the ground and held her under her arm like she would a purse.

Assuming that it was Isabel who had come to visit her, Cassie opened the door without first checking who her visitor was through the peephole. Instead of Isabel, she came face to face with two men from the sheriff’s department when she opened her front door. The younger of the two men had a pleasant smiley face that immediately reminded Cassie of statues and paintings of blissful cherubs that decorated some churches. For some reason she couldn’t exactly pinpoint, his face was awfully familiar. Cassie tried to remain positive and greet them with smiles but she found it hard to do that. The last time people from the sheriff’s department had showed up at her doorstep, they had brought with them the unfortunate news of her parents’ demise.

“Good morning, officers.” She greeted with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “How can I help you?”

“Cassie Peters?” The older of the two officers asked. He was a lot taller and less pleasant-looking than his colleague. Cassie guessed that they had probably been paired together as part of a good-cop, bad-cop routine. He had hair on every part of his body – from his burly arms to the inside of his nostrils – except the top of his head. Cassie couldn’t help but visualize him as a large bald bear.

“Yes. That’s me.”

“I’m Deputy Sheriff Philips and this Officer McPherson.” He said, pointing to his younger colleague who tipped his hat at her politely. He pressed an envelope into her hand, taking care to avoid Snowflake’s curious mouth in the process. “You’re required to appear in court to testify as a witness to the crimes committed by Mr. Robert Smith.”

Cassie turned the envelope over in her hand. She suddenly remembered where she had seen the ruddy face of the young officer. Officer McPherson had been the one that had helped her and Isabel out of the van the day they were held hostage. She wondered if the court had been able to locate Isabel. She was an undocumented US resident. She wondered which one of Isabel’s options would get her in more trouble? If she had been given a witness summons and she didn’t show up for Robert’s trial, she would be held in contempt of court but if she showed up to court, her illegal status could be made public knowledge to the US justice system. Cassie didn’t know much about the finer details of the law so she couldn’t even tell whether the testimony of an illegal immigrant would hold in court.

She wasn’t particularly thrilled about testifying against her kidnapper as Robert had sworn revenge on her while he was being forced into a waiting cop car but she knew that she couldn’t ignore a court summons. She still remembered that day but she didn’t really like to think of it as she knew that she could have very easily lost her life back then. She shivered at the thought. What would have happened to the twins?

“Okay. Thank you.” She said as she waved at them and then shut the door. She spun around to see Aaron fresh out of the shower. He had helped himself to a few slices of toast and bacon from the kitchen.

“Who was at the door?” He asked.

Cassie let Snowflake down and she trotted happily towards Aaron who was more than happy to let her have two slices of bacon. “Two guys from the sheriff’s department.” She answered.


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