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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 46

By the end of the week, Cassie was tired to her very core. On Tuesday night, after she had been forced to give Bethany a mani-pedi and run to a store so she could make her a fruit salad from scratch, she had thought that had been the best she had ever been. She had been dead wrong. For the last two days of the week, Bethany had managed to send Cassie on much more tasking chores than she had sent her on all week long.

That Friday, Bethany had come to work dressed in an auburn cashmere sweater dress and knee high boots. She had handed Cassie a crumpled paper that had a long list of chores she wanted Cassie to complete typed out on both sides of the paper! Bethany had made Cassie drop off and pick up her laundry. She had ordered her to clean the inside of her car and Cassie had been thoroughly disgusted when she had found two used condoms in the backseat. Cassie had booked Bethany an appointment at a spa for a Hollywood bikini wax and then another appointment at her OBGYN. Cassie didn’t mind making appointments for people; she had made appointments for Felix when he had still been in the country. Heck, if Bethany were a nicer person and if Cassie had known her for longer, she wouldn’t have felt odd making those appointments. She had known Bethany for less than a week. She found it odd that the woman had asked her to book an appointment for her to get her private parts de-haired and examined.

That afternoon, Bethany had thought up more complex food orders and had made Cassie go all the way to Cartersville to get the food. “Get me a smoked salmon sandwich. Mind you, it has to be smoked on a charcoal grill for it to taste its absolute best. The salmon is to be seasoned with anything but salt, pepper, garlic or paprika. No cheese except if it’s sliced. No mayonnaise except if it’s vegan. And no ketchup at all. The bread should be whole wheat bread and should be no thicker than a quarter inch. Any vegetable that they use should be absolutely fresh or they won’t be getting a dime of my hard earned money.” Bethany had instructed into a phone recording app installed on Cassie’s phone. When Cassie played Bethany’s recorded voice to the worker in charge of taking her order, the man had given her such a pitiful look that Cassie had almost burst out into sobs.

Traffic had been bad so she had arrived at the office an entire hour later than she had expected to. When she got back to Tech Town, she had gotten equally pitiful looks from Marcus at the door, Annalisa at the reception and basically any other staff member that she encountered. Did everyone at Tech Town know that she was stuck working for Bethany? Her forehead and arms were slick with sweat by the time she got back to the office. Strands of brown hair had come out of the immaculately done bun that she had made that morning. While she had gotten dressed for work that morning, she had thought it a good idea to wear the blue platforms that Amanda had gifted her for the previous Christmas. But as she limped along the hallway, she realized how much of a bad idea that had been. Why hadn’t she just worn flats?

“Took you long enough.” Bethany scoffed when she was handed her sandwich. “And do something about that sweat. You look absolutely disgusting.”

Cassie grunted in response. Thankfully, the office no longer had the weird odor of vinegar and bleach although anyone would still be able to detect the smell if they lay down on the formerly stained couch.

“Don’t sit down just yet.” Bethany said as she unwrapped her sandwich. “I need you to get me a bottle of wine from Luther’s office. Any red wine will do.”

Cassie nearly stopped breathing. She didn’t like the idea of going into Luther’s office to get wine for Bethany for multiple reasons.

In the week that Cassie had worked with Bethany, she had come to realize that the woman seemed to be incapable of not making any spills. The ink stain incident had just been a few days ago and she didn’t fancy cleaning up red wine from the couch.

Although she was still in the process of avoiding both Emerald and Luther, she had still managed to run into Luther the previous day while on the way to fulfill one of Bethany’s many demands. Luther had looked at her like he wanted to say something to her but someone down the hallway had called his name and Cassie had slinked away like a nervous cat once his back was turned. She had taken to running down the hallway like some sort of criminal whenever she had to leave the office. Stepping into his office – his territory – would probably not end well.

Days after the Chardonnay incident, Cassie still couldn’t say with absolute certainty why Bethany had been so drunk. Was it that she was such a lightweight that all she needed to get really drunk was a single glass of wine? Could it be that she had snuck extra glasses of wine and peed in the bottle so that no one would notice until it was too late? Whatever the answer was, Cassie still didn’t like the idea of Bethany around alcohol as she became more of a handful when drunk.

Bethany started to bring the sandwich to her lips then paused when she saw that Cassie hadn’t gotten up yet. “Did I fucking stutter or have you suddenly gone deaf?!” She snapped. “Go get me a bottle of wine.”

Cassie knew that there was no point trying to argue with Bethany so she stood up and headed towards Luther’s office. Unlike the last time she had stood in front of the door, Cassie couldn’t hear any type of music coming from inside the office. Hopefully, that meant that he and his PA were properly clothed and not having sex. That also hopefully meant that by some odd miracle, both Luther and Emerald would be absent from the office but the door would still be open. She knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Emerald answered from the outside.

Cassie pushed the door open and looked around. Emerald was behind her desk and for a moment, Cassie was utterly surprised to see her there. It was the first time that she had seen her doing something that actually looked worth a salary. She scanned the office. Luther was nowhere to be seen. She stepped in and shut the door behind her.


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