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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 47

“Narcissistic fuck.” Felix muttered after the sound of Luther’s door slamming shut reverberated throughout the hallway. He turned to his PA. “Are you okay, Cassie?”

Cassie didn’t look at him. All her attention was on her hand that Luther had grabbed. Just from seeing him, she could tell that he was relatively fit but that factor had somehow slipped her mind after she had caught him having sex with Emerald as her subconscious had labeled him otherwise. Besides, she recalled her first day on the job when Felix had to restrain Luther and had made it look so easy and effortless. Those two incidents had caused her to think that Luther was nothing but a weak and perverted old man. The ache in her hand told a different story. “I’m fine.”

Felix rolled his eyes at her words. “No, you’re not. You’re bleeding.”

At first, Cassie thought that she had heard him incorrectly. She would know if she was bleeding from her hand and besides, there was no way Luther had held her hard enough to draw blood. It wasn’t until she followed Felix’s gaze that she realized that she wasn’t bleeding from her hand but from her leg. When she had dropped the bottle, some of the shards had inserted themselves into her legs. She hadn’t noticed it back then because she had more pressing issues, namely Luther’s sturdy grip on her hand. As soon as she saw the body trickling down her leg, she suddenly felt the pain of her wounds. “Fuck!” She hissed as she fell towards Felix.

To his credit, Felix didn’t take a step back or push her away from him when he noticed what was going on. Instead, he steeled himself as she fell into him and helped her regain her balance. “How did all this even happen?” He used his free hand to gesture to the broken mess before them.

It took Cassie a while to come up with an answer. Felix had snaked one arm around her waist and was holding her up so that she wouldn’t put much weight on her injured leg. That close to him, she could feel the rich quality of his suit and breathe in his scent with every breath she took. It was mildly disconcerting. “Your mum asked me to bring her the bottle to your office and when Luther grabbed me, I was startled and it dropped from my hands.”

Felix tensed up. “My mother is in my office?” He asked, then without waiting for an answer from Cassie, he held her firmer and together, the two of them shuffled into his office.

When they entered, Bethany was sprawled on one of the couches scrolling through her phone. She looked up and met Felix’s eyes with a bored but slightly astonished expression. “I thought you were coming back on Monday.”

“The conference ended early and since I didn’t have anything else to do, I decided to head back home.” He explained. “Sit.” He ordered nudging Cassie in the direction of the nearest couch.

Cassie wanted to protest. ‘Sit’ was a command that she used on Snowflake, not one that she had used on herself. All the same, she kept her mouth shut and sat. It would be the first time she had done that since she left her house that morning and no one needed to ask her twice.

Once Felix was sure that Cassie was properly settled, he turned to his mother. “What are you doing here?”

“That’s none of your business.” Bethany scoffed, ignoring how much it was Felix’s business as she was the one that had been sitting in his office. “Well, now that you’re here, I guess I’ll just see myself out then. You tend to kill the fun.” She declared. She grabbed her bag and trotted out of the room. Felix and Cassie were glad to see her go.

“How long has she been here?” He asked with his eyes still on the door, long after his mum had left the office.

Cassie shrugged. “Monday. I forgot my laptop on Friday so I came in on Monday to pick it up and ever since then, I’ve been coming to work in line with her instructions.”

Felix sighed and turned to face her. “I’m sorry about my mother.” He knew the kind of person that his mother was and he knew how difficult she would have made Cassie’s life. The fact that she was standing, metaphorically speaking that is, was a testament to her patience.

Cassie was taken aback. Here was a man who had never used a single magic word around her, now apologizing to her for something he had no control over.


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