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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 51

Cassie stared at Felix in utter disbelief. She had been expecting a lot of things from him like yelling, glaring, cursing and possibly some scolding. She had already been scolded and glared at but Felix was yet to yell or curse. Even when he had been scolding her, his tone had been even, disappointed, seemingly indifferent and free from swear words. It had been Luther who Felix had yelled at and cursed. The fact that he had asked to hear what had happened was completely out of character for him.

“Did you hear what I said?” Felix asked. She had been staring at him without saying anything for more than a minute. Had she gone into shock due to whatever had happened earlier that day or had she not heard what he said? “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Sorry.” Cassie said, shaking her head to get herself out of a trance. “It’s just…” She trailed off wondering whether she should tell Felix exactly what she had been thinking. She decided to go for it. She was most likely going to never see Felix again, seeing as he was definitely going to fire her. “I just thought that you would yell or curse and I’m extremely surprised that you went from glaring at me to being willing to hear what I have to say.”

It was Felix’s turn to stare at her in utter disbelief. Did she really think that he was that kind of person or was she mixing him up with his mother? Admittedly, he had been hard on her but he had never yelled at her before. “I had a change of heart.”

‘I’m surprised that you have a heart,’ Cassie almost mumbled. “Oh, well. It’s actually all right.” Cassie sighed dejectedly. It suddenly struck her that she was even too tired to begin to explain herself to Felix. She wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep.

“You said so yourself that my actions were highly professional, amongst other choice words. So if you would excuse me, I’m just going to grab my stuff and Aaron and I would see ourselves out. Aaron, finish up with your drawing, we’ll soon leave.”

“Can you just give me a couple of minutes to finish this up?” Aaron begged from across the office. “Felix said that I should draw a pretty picture for Lily and it isn’t done yet.”

“It’s Mr. Callahan to you, bud.” Cassie corrected.

“Felix is fine too.” Felix said with a shrug.

Aaron, who had trouble deciding whose instruction to obey on what to call Felix, decided to change the subject. “Do you have a sharpener? The tip of the pencil is too dull.”


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