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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 50

“I don’t care what you have to say to me.” Felix snapped. How had she even gotten into the building? Didn’t the guys at security downstairs have enough sense to know that he wouldn’t want her in the building? The list of people that were going to be left unemployed at the end of the day suddenly grew longer. “You left work in the middle of the day without telling anyone about it. And now, you think that you can just strut in here and demand that I let you keep your job? The kind of behavior that you displayed this afternoon was highly unprofessional and frankly, I expected better from you.”

“I’m not asking you to let me keep my job, I’m just asking that you hear my side of the story.” She pleaded. The moment she had run out of Tech Town, she knew that any chances of getting her job back had flown out of the window. She knew that Felix would not think twice about firing her. She had gone back to Tech Town for two reasons: she needed to collect the stuff she had left behind in the office and convince Felix that even if he was going to fire her, he didn’t have to professionally badmouth her and make it difficult for her to get a job elsewhere. There was no way she was going to be able to pay off Lily’s medical bills with just the money she earned from the Bean House and Books-A-Plenty. She would have to find another job somewhere else and she knew she would have difficulty doing that if Felix purposely ruined her chances like she knew he was planning on doing. He seemed like the type to do something like that.

“Did you hear me the first time?! I do not care what you have to say to me. I will not tolerate…” He began and then looked past her to something behind her.

Cassie turned around to check what he was looking at, assuming that it was Bethany, Luther or Emerald that had come to gloat as Felix yelled at her or maybe Marcus or Daniel who had seen her coming up the elevator, realized what Felix had in store for her and had come to soften the blow of her recent unemployment by lending her a shoulder to cry on. Instead, she turned around to see Aaron at the door peeking through the slightly open door. “Aaron! What are you doing here? I asked you to wait outside for me.”

After they had gotten off the elevator, she had left him at the door with strict instructions to wait for her and not talk to any strangers while she had a very important grown-up conversation. She would have left him downstairs at the reception had Annalisa still been at work.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized. His voice was tired and slightly slurred from the emotional strain he had been through, watching Lily bleed out on the playground and from staying awake way past his bedtime. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. Dried blood had collected underneath his fingernails from where he had pressed down on Lily’s wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. The teachers at his school had put his bloodstained clothes into a nylon and had fetched him clean ones from the lost-and-found box. The fact that they had been able to find him a properly fitting shirt and pants had bothered Cassie. What kind of child lost their shirt or pants? “But there was this man outside with black hair and he yelled at me so I came to look for you. He said really mean things.” He explained.

Felix stood up from his chair so quickly and headed towards the door. For one brief moment, Cassie thought that he was going to hit Aaron. She made to dive forward and shield Aaron with her body. It proved impossible, as with all the running around that she had done that day, her legs were tired and uncooperative. And Felix wasn’t even headed for Aaron. He breezed past him and stormed out of the office.

As quickly as her injured leg would let her, she shuffled toward Aaron and then nudged him in the direction of a couch. “Stay right here.” Cassie said as she kissed his forehead. She stepped out of the office and closed the door softly behind her. She knew even without getting a proper physical description from Aaron that the man who had yelled at him was Luther.

“Listen up, insignificant fuck stain.” Felix’s disembodied voice carried around the hallway. “I might have let you walk all over me as a kid and I might still be doing it right now but if you think even for a fucking second that I’m going to let you terrorize another child while I can do something about it, then you must be out of your mind.”

Luther must have had something to say in his defense but whatever it was, Cassie never got to hear it.

“Shut the fuck up!” Felix ordered. “Just because you’re fucking my mother doesn’t mean that I have any reason to listen to you. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll fucking sit in your office and think about how your words have affected that poor child.”

Cassie scurried back into the office and flung herself beside Aaron on the couch when she heard Felix’s returning footsteps. A few seconds after she had sat down, Felix flung the door open. She had never seen anyone so mad. He looked particularly murderous with the multiple creases in his forehead and flared nostrils. It took him less than a minute to calm himself and when he finally did, he took a seat on the couch opposite Cassie and the child.


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