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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 59

“I don’t think it’s going to fit.” Cassie groaned.

“It will.” Felix assured. “Just slide it in gently.”

Ever since the hour they had spent

in the elevator, an easy camaraderie had formed between Felix and Cassie.

That Tuesday, when Felix had made a racket in his panic, someone had heard him and had alerted security. It had taken some time, but they had finally gotten the elevator to start moving again. It had begun with the lights brightening to their full capacity, then the elevator gave a slight jolt before it continued with its descent. Still, neither Cassie nor Felix had gotten up and both of them had remained on the ground, fingers entwined, even when the doors had opened again.

The faces of various staff – two guys from the security department, a bunch of people from the meeting the two were supposed to be attending and other curious parties – stared at the two of them in confusion. What was the Ice King doing on the floor clutching the hand of his PA and a piece of paper as if his life depended on it?

In a couple of seconds, the guys from the security department had shooed the onlookers away until only one had remained – Bethany. She stared the two of them down with a disgusted snarl.

“I’m actually surprised that you didn’t pass out this time.” She had said while rolling her eyes. “Man up and get back to work.”

While still seated and holding Felix’s hand, Cassie had told her to fuck off. She was the reason that Felix was claustrophobic and instead of comforting him the way any good mother would, she was being a bitch about the whole situation. With fingers still entwined, the two of them had gotten up and brushed past Bethany, ignoring how furious she had looked. It was a move both Felix and Cassie knew they would regret but Felix thought that it was nice that she had stood up for him.

Wordlessly, they had both decided to skip the meeting and had grabbed lunch together. Then, they had retreated to Felix’s office and had begun to sort through the mess that Emerald had made while making small talk in the process. By the end of their lunch, they had only made a little bit of progress on the mess and had drawn up a chart for how they would proceed with the clearing up process throughout the week.

Without one last determined push, Cassie shoved a cabinet drawer shut and leaned against it. It was only Thursday but she and Felix had already made great progress with cleaning up. She still couldn’t believe that he had participated in the clean-up process.

From across the other side of the room, Felix raised a smug brow. “See?”

The recently closed cabinet drawer popped back open. Cassie raised an accusatory brow at him. “See?” After he had propped the cabinet back up, she had told him that with its dented edge, there was no way that it was going to be able to hold all of its former contents. Felix had disagreed, assuming that brute force could get the crammed drawer to shut properly.

He sighed. “I’ll order another one later today.”

There was a knock on the door. “Come in.” Felix said without looking up from the folder he was inspecting.

Lucas, the intern whom Luther had slapped across the face, propped his head inside the office. “Cassie Peters?”

Cassie looked up from glaring at the dented cabinet. “Yeah.”

He walked over to her and handed her a manila envelope, avoiding eye contact with Felix all the while. “I was sent from HR to give you this.” He had barely finished his sentence when he spun around and quickly exited the room.


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