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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 60

The moment Felix walked out of the office, Cassie knew that she had made a big mistake. When he didn’t return to the office after an hour had passed, Cassie had grown concerned for his welfare and her job. So, she had called Annalisa on the office phone to find out if she knew about Felix’s location. Annalisa had said that she didn’t know anything about Felix’s whereabouts and Cassie had to stop herself from asking for Felix’s personal number so that she could call him directly. That would have been too weird. She had resorted to walking around the building asking if anyone knew of Felix’s whereabouts. Everyone had denied knowing where he was and although she had a feeling that some of them were lying to her, she knew that she daren’t push the matter further. In the end, she had left the office without ever knowing who the mystery woman was or were Felix had disappeared to.

When she had resumed work on Friday, she had found Felix slaving away in front of his laptop. She had handed him his cup of coffee and greeted him and he hadn’t even looked at her. Throughout the entire day, Felix had only spoken to her when he wanted to send her on errands. He had reverted back to his cold, indifferent self. He didn’t even call her ‘Cassie’ once and stuck to ‘Miss Peters’ throughout the day. She had always thought it a bit strange how he seemed to randomly revert from ‘Cassie’ to ‘Miss Peters’ during the course of the day but his going back to calling her just ‘Miss Peters’ bothered her. And it bothered her even more that she couldn’t explain why it bothered her.

At the end of the day, she had gone through work without hearing many words from Felix. Her boss was by no means a chatty person and even when they had made small talk during the week, she found that he was better at listening than at speaking, but it seemed as if he had said the least possible words to her that day. It bothered her so much that she could tell that her co-workers at the Bean House could tell that something was on her mind during her evening shift. Since she had started working at Tech Town, anytime she said anything remotely connected to work, either Diana or Austin would chip in something about Felix that they had heard from a friend of a friend of a friend’s sister.

It was ridiculous the kind rumors that they had heard about him. He had once had an entire chain of restaurants shut down because his soup had been over salted. He had torn down an orphanage to build a golf course. He had bought all of the seats at a cinema because he didn’t want to watch a movie with anyone else. Honestly, most of the things they thought he did sounded more like things that Bethany would have done. And so, knowing that her café co-workers would have nothing nice to say about Felix or any good theories as to where he had disappeared to, she had been forced to swallow her concerns until the end of the day.

When she was close to home, she saw that someone was seated in front of her house. She was too far away to tell but she hoped that it was passed out drunk. She was not in the mood to deal with that. It was until she got closer to her house that she realized that the slouched figure in front of her house was familiar.

“Isabel?” Cassie asked. “What are you doing out here?” After she had gotten the text from Isabel, they had tried to set up a date for both of them to meet but had faced the stumbling block of both of them being too occupied with their jobs to meet up.

Isabel looked up from her phone and smiled nervously at her. In her fluffy coat, five inch stilettos and sparkly makeup, it was obvious that she was just coming back from her gig at Club Indigo. “Long time no see. I actually got here a while ago but I didn’t know whether you’d want me in the house after all the shit that went down the last time I was here.” She said remorsefully.

Cassie clicked her tongue. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re my friend. You’ll always be welcome into the house.” She said, “And while I know your coat is super thick and lush, it only goes down to your knees and it is freezing out there. It won’t do anyone any good if you catch a cold. Come on in.”

She opened the door and was immediately accosted by Snowflake. “Well hello to you two.” She said sarcastically to the twins who were engaged in an intense staring contest.

Too engrossed in their contest, they only gave her grunts of acknowledgement. She scoffed at them and went deeper into the house, Snowflake and Isabel following closely behind her.

“I’d like to first start by saying just how sorry I am for everything that I said on Saturday.” Isabel began. “I was wrong to say that your life was easy and problem free. You have your struggles just like everyone else and you’re doing a marvelous job handling them. I mean, you’re raising two kids! With that alone, your life cannot be easy and I was stupid enough to tell you that it was. And for that I am so sorry.”

“Well, I’m sorry too.” Cassie apologized. “I shouldn’t have betrayed your confidence by letting Daniel know that you were undocumented.” She had been avoiding Daniel ever since her argument with Isabel as she felt he would want feedback on the situation and she didn’t fancy the idea of telling him how Isabel had reacted.

“You don’t have to apologize for that. I mean, I wish you would have discussed it with me first but what’s done is done. And besides, now that you asked Daniel, we now know that I don’t have to be afraid of being deported if I testify. We would have never found that out if you didn’t say anything to him. Who knows, I might have even ignored the witness summons out of fear and gotten into much more trouble. So in the spirit of saying what I should have said that day rather than being an ungrateful bitch, thank you so much, Cassie.”


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