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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 62

“Isabel made hot chocolate for everyone!” Aaron declared excitedly as he shuffled into the living room with two mugs in his hands. “Here. And sorry that there are no marshmallows in it. We’re all out.” He said handing a mug to Felix while Lily handed the other mug she was holding to Cassie.

“Thank you.” Felix said. “I drove by a supermarket on the way here, I can go get some marshmallows if you’d like.”

Cassie had to stop herself from chortling into her drink. During her first week of work, Felix’s response to her question about supermarkets had led her to believe that he hadn’t been to one before but he was now offering to drive to one in the middle of the night to grab a packet of marshmallows. It was completely out of character for him. Besides, there was no way she was going to let him drive while he was drunk and upset.

“Thank you but that wouldn’t be necessary. They aren’t even supposed to be having this much sugar this late at night. It’s going to take forever to get them to bed now.” She said, “Also, I can’t let you drive while you’re drunk and upset.”

“I’m not drunk.” Felix declared sternly. “Upset, yes but drunk, no.”

“You kind of reek of alcohol a bit.” Isabel said from the doorway of the kitchenette. “I haven’t even gotten that close enough to you today but even I know that.”

Felix pursed his lips. “I smell of alcohol because an entire bottle of it spilled on my pants while I was trying to pour a glass for myself. And then the bottle broke so I had to clean it up, which is when this happened.” He raised his bandaged hand for all to see. “I understand your concern but I’ve been speaking to you for quite some time, do I sound like someone who’s drunk?”

Cassie shook her head. He didn’t sound like someone who had been consuming alcohol, he just smelt like one. What was it with him and his mother from spilling alcohol on themselves?

“And besides,” Felix started, taking the first sip from his mug. “Drunk driving is irresponsible and probably what got Hazel killed in the first place. I could never take the risk of causing someone the kind of pain that driver caused me.”

“Who’s Hazel?” Lily asked, using the sleeve of her pajamas to wipe away the layer of hot chocolate that had accumulated on her upper lip.

“She used to be my fiancée.” He replied. “A fiancée is a word that people use to talk about a woman that they are going to get married to.” He added when he saw that Lily was about to ask another question.

“Oh cool. Can we meet her?” Aaron asked excitedly.


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