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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 71

The first thing that popped into Felix’s mind when his lips had met with Cassie’s was that he should have done it a lot sooner. He had been absolutely enamored with the way her soft lips had felt against his, the way their tongues had danced against each other, the way she had raked her hands through his hair and his favorite part, the way she had moaned into his mouth when he had deepened the kiss. Try as he might to dismiss it, he hadn’t been able to get Cassie off his mind. One way or another, his mind always drifted back to her. When he tried thinking of his cousin, Eliza, he thought of how well she and Cassie would have gotten along. When he had seen the girl from Fantasies on his bed, he had sent her back, telling himself and her that he had done so because he wasn’t in the mood. The truth was that Cassie had become such a big presence in his life that even considering sleeping with another woman felt downright disrespectful. He couldn’t even see someone drinking a cup of coffee without thinking of Cassie.

On Wednesday, she had taken a leave from work to appear as a witness in court alongside Isabel. He had missed her presence more than he thought he would but had used her absence to plan a surprise for her. Throughout the day, he had thought about how happy she would be when she came into work the next day. He wanted to be the kind of person that was responsible for most of her smiles. The only thing that had dampened his mood was when Emerald had tried to come into his office to continue work as his temporary PA. Emerald had gone out of the office as quickly as she had come in after Felix had sent her a malevolent glare when she had opened the door.

He had been very surprised when Cassie stormed into his office the next morning, looking the angriest he had ever seen her.

“What did the fuck did you do?!” She asked, slamming the door behind her.

Felix stared at her with raised brows. “You’re going to have to be more specific about your question. I’ve done a lot of things.”

“How is this for specific? While I was fumbling over my words in the courtroom as if I was the one that committed the crimes, you went behind my back to Mrs. Thompson and Amanda to tell them that I wouldn’t be working at The Bean House and Books-A-Plenty anymore.”

“You also forgot the part where I apologized to Diana for being rude to her when I first came into the café.” Felix said, trying to lighten the situation. After he had left Mrs. Thompson’s office, he had been about to leave the café all together but he had seen Diana and recalled how he had treated her the first time they had met. He hadn’t been particularly rude but he also hadn’t been as polite as he could have been. To her surprise, he had tendered a brief apology and had left the café for his office.

“I don’t care that you apologized to Diana.” Cassie snapped. “You had no right to do that. What was even going through your mind when you did that? What exactly made you think that you had some semblance of control over my life?”

“I wasn’t trying to control your life, I was trying to help you.” Felix defended. “I was thinking that you looked stressed all the time. You were working three jobs which is impractical. And not to mention unnecessary, as what you make from Tech Town should be enough to cater for your needs and wants.”

“Wow.” She said in disbelief. Maybe Felix was right. Her salary from Tech Town would be enough to provide for her if she kept working there. The thing was that she actually enjoyed working at the cage and bookstore. The places had become a part of her routine and she couldn’t imagine life without working there. “How I choose to spend my days is none of your business. If I want to work myself to the bone, that does not concern you! You think I look stressed? You look like someone that doesn’t even know what a bed looks like. When was the last time you had a full eight hours of sleep? I look stressed, well so do you. But you don’t see me bursting into your workplace and submitting your resignation letter on your behalf. I don’t know the kind of person you think I am, but I’m not into the whole misogynistic man bullshit. Just because we shared one kiss doesn’t give you the right to make decisions for me.”

“You don’t have to yell.”

“I do have to yell!” Cassie said, raising her voice even more. “But you know what I don’t have to do, stand here and tolerate you. I can’t even stand to look at you right now.” She said, She didn’t wait for a reply from Felix, choosing instead to storm out of the office without another word.

She had barely gotten very far when she heard the mutters of Luther and Bethany’s voices coming from further down the hallway. They sounded like they had just gotten off the elevator and were walking down to Luther’s office.

“We're going to need more money if we’re going to make this month’s payment.” Luther whispered. “I just got off the phone and apparently, the price just went up.”

“That’s ridiculous. We just increased the payment two months ago.” Bethany murmured.


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