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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 72

“Can you guys please turn that down?” Cassie pleaded from the dining room. It took the twins a couple of minutes to find the remote, but once they did, the television’s volume went down. She and Felix were sitting in the dining room with various documents spread out in front of them.

After Felix’s discovery that someone had been stealing from Tech Town, a reminder indicating that he was supposed to be at a meeting with Preston had gone off on his phone seconds later. He had grabbed his jacket and asked Cassie to compile all of the company’s statements of account dating back to the previous year. He had been stuck moving from one meeting to another all throughout the day, so when he got back to his office, it was already closing time. He had requested that they move the investigation to Cassie’s place as he felt more comfortable there and didn’t want to keep her in Tech Town for any longer than he needed to. Cassie, who didn’t know how to react to the fact that he claimed to feel more comfortable in her small home, had just nodded. So, for the second time since she had known him, Felix had driven her home.

“Looking at the documents from this month, both of them, it seems that every figure from every department has been manipulated.” Felix said. “The difference between the two sums in total runs into thousands of dollars which is really concerning.”

“Okay, but I’m looking at the papers from earlier this year and none of them show any indication that the figures have been tampered with. Do you think Mr. Ramos is behind it?” She asked.

Felix shook his head. “It can’t be him. He has been with the company’s accountant ever since my grandfather’s days. He’s not the sort of person to steal. He’s more like the sort of person that prides himself in being honest and always doing the right thing.”

“Okay. That strikes him out. Now we’re back to square one with zero suspects.” Cassie said. She rummaged through the papers that were scattered on the table but it seemed that no matter how she searched, the statement of account for four months was still missing. “It seems like a couple of them are missing.” Cassie said.

“I think I know where they went.” Felix said nodding towards Lily who had loose pieces of paper in her possession.

“Lily, what did I say about drawing on paper that you find lying around?”

“Not to do that.” Lily said meekly. “Sorry.” She handed papers to Cassie.

“Where’s the rest of it?” Cassie asked after a while. Lily had had the courtesy to draw on only the blank side of the papers so Cassie could tell that there was still one set of papers missing – the ones from the previous month.

“That’s all of it, I swear.” Lily said, holding up her hands in surrender.

Cassie searched through the papers on the table again. “The statement of accounts from last month is missing. Or do you have it with you?”

“No. Are you sure you grabbed all of the documents?”

She scoffed. “Of course I did. Do you think that I am incompetent like Emerald?”

“No. You’re like the most competent person I know. Also, please don’t bring up Emerald. She makes my blood boil.”


Felix continued rifling through the papers on the coffee table only to realize that he had never actually seen the statement of account for September. Mr. Ramos always had the statement of the account for one month delivered to Felix’s office before the end of the first week of the following month so Felix should have gotten September’s statement of account in the first week of October. But in the first week of October, he had been in Tokyo.

“Now that I think of it, I’m not sure that I ever got the reports for September. At the time that Mr. Ramos was supposed to have it on my desk, I was in Tokyo for the Tech conference. Was any folder delivered to my desk while I was away?”

“Not that I know of. I mean there’s a possibility that it could have been brought to your office any of the times that I was running errands for your mother… Your mother.” Cassie said suddenly, recalling. “There was a manila folder in your office when I got there on Monday afternoon but your mother had it. She took it with her. She said she was going to drop it off at your house so it’s probably there right now.”

“That’s impossible. She couldn’t have dropped it at my house because she doesn’t have my address. She just took it.”

“What kind of mother doesn’t have her child’s address?”

“Mine. You know how she is. If she were your mother, would you let her know where you lived?”


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