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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 74

It was hard for everyone at the reception to not stare at the group that entered the building. In her leggings, hoodie and sneakers, Isabel wasn’t exactly dressed in business wear. Then there was Felix who was carrying Snowflake in his arms and dressed in yesterday’s clothes. Everyone couldn’t help but wonder what had happened that stopped him from going home to change. Cassie was the least odd person in the group but even she still looked odd as there was also the fact that two children were clinging to her hands.

After Big Daddy had left, Isabel and Cassie had taken an Uber to Isabel’s apartment to grab the things that she needed while Felix had stayed with the twins. It was too late for the twins to start heading to school so when Isabel and Cassie had returned, they had waited for Felix’s driver to take them all to the office.

“So what’s our game plan?” Cassie asked once all of them where inside the elevator.

“Before both of my devices went off, I was able to get in touch with a financial investigator I found online.” Felix said. “He said that he would be able to trace where the missing funds ended up and determine how long the thefts have been going on.”

“So what are you going to do about your mother?” Cassie asked. “She doesn’t strike me as the kind of person that would give up the money she stole willingly.”

“Wait, Felix’s mum is stealing money?” Isabel asked. “Are you sure? She doesn’t exactly look like the kind of person that needs to steal money.”

“She’s allegedly stealing money. Nothing has been proven yet but I’m almost certain that it’s her. I understand what you mean about her not looking like the kind of person that needs to steal money but then again, you also have to factor the fact that she has never worked a day in her life. She exhausted her trust fund before she even got married and she’s always depended on someone to fund her lifestyle. My grandpa, my dad and now me. But it would seem that what I give her isn’t enough as she has deemed it fit to steal from my company.” Felix stated. “Allegedly.”

“Wow. That sounds really tough, dude.”

Felix stared at her like being referred to as a dude was a personal insult to his very character.

“I think we should talk about something more positive. No negative discussions.”

“How about our kiss? That was pretty positive.” Felix said in a mumble low enough that only those above five feet were able to catch his words. “Why are you looking at me like that? She knows that we kissed.” He said, addressing Cassie who looked as red as a beet and avoided eye contact with Isabel.

“I’m sorry. Can you back up a bit? You two kissed?” Isabel whispered.

“Yes. On Halloween. Why are you talking like you don’t know what’s going on? Remember, back in the house when you asked if that was the same mouth I used to kiss Cassie?”

“No, I asked if that was the same mouth you would use to make out with Cassie not if that was the same mouth you used to make out with Cassie. You two made out and you didn't tell me?” She asked.

“Yes. But we’ll talk about this later.” Cassie declared. “You know when we’re not about to confront a narcissistic bourgeoisie. Annalisa already said that Bethany was waiting for us in Felix’s office and from past experience, we already know that she shouldn’t be left in the office by herself for long.”

Felix had been visibly annoyed when he had heard that. He might have been planning to invite his mother to his office later that day and even though finding out that she was already there had saved him a phone call, he still didn’t appreciate the fact that she thought it right to enter his office without first asking his permission.

The elevator’s door slid open and the group exited.

“What is she doing here? She can’t be in here.” Bethany said, once they entered Felix's office. A perfectly manicured accusing finger was pointed at Isabel who tried to ignore her; she carted the twins to a corner. Bethany was behind Felix’s desk which was littered with multiple pieces of paper.

“She’s my guest, mother.” Felix stated. “She has every right to be here. You, on the other hand, do not.”

“Excuse me?” Bethany asked. “You have no right to talk to me that way.”

“Are you looking for this, Mrs. Hart?” Cassie asked, holding up two manila envelopes: the one that Mr. Ramos PA had brought to the office the previous day and the one that Cassie had found on her table.

“Where did you get that?” Bethany hissed.

“This one was delivered to the office yesterday by Mr. Ramos’ PA. But this one, Cassie found on her desk. Obviously, Cassie and I were both curious and concerned as to why we found two very separate statements of accounts in the office. So, Cassie and I rounded up the record for the past year, took it home and found out that the statement of account for September is missing. Cassie said that you took a manila folder from my desk during the week that I was in Tokyo and said that you were going to bring the folder to my house but you don’t even know my address.” Felix said, standing beside Cassie who had taken a seat at her desk.


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