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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 73

Cassie didn’t stir again until it was properly morning and when she did, the first thing that came into view was Felix’s face.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” He greeted looking down at her.

Granted, Cassie was startled by his close proximity but composed herself and managed to rise from his lap without making a fool of herself.

“Good morning.” She said groggily. “What time is it?”

Felix shrugged. His phone had died the night before and his laptop had done the same a couple of minutes after he had woken up in the morning. Still, he hadn’t gotten up to charge any of them as he hadn’t wanted to bother Cassie.

She stood from the couch and walked down the hallway to the grandfather clock that had lost its chime a while ago but still told the correct time.

“Oh my God! It’s past nine.” She screeched from the hallway and ran back inside the room.

“I’m late for work. You’re late for work. And you guys are late for school! Hit the showers, you guys.” She demanded, nudging her siblings awake and shooing them in the direction of their bathroom.

“They’ll be fine if they miss one day of school and we’ll be fine if we’re a couple of hours late to work. There are more pressing matters at hand.” Felix said, his voice growing solemn.

“Isabel came in last night.”

Cassie lifted a brow and sat beside him with her leg tucked under her. “You’re saying that like it’s a bad thing.”

“It sort of was. She had bruises on her body. She wanted to talk to you but she also didn’t want to wake you so she just went to bed.”

“Fuck!” Cassie exclaimed. Any bruises on Isabel could have only come from Club Indigo.

“Did you check on her throughout the night?”

“No. She said something about not being comfortable with talking about it with me since she didn’t know me that well and I wanted to respect her privacy. Also, every time I tried to move you would hold me down.”

“I didn’t.” Cassie whined covering her face with her hands.

“You did. You also said I smelt nice.”

“Ugh.” Isabel groaned walking into the scene.

“You guys have no right to be this cute this early in the morning.”

“You’re awake.” Cassie said lamely. Seeing that Isabel’s hair was fluffed up from the blow dryer and that there was only a little bit of glitter left on her body, Cassie could tell that she had already showered. She had borrowed a pair of leggings and a hoodie which she drew over her face but Cassie could still see the hand shaped bruise on her cheek.

“Yeah. I’ve been up for a while but I only started to dress up when I heard you launch into your rant about how late everyone is.”

“What happened last night?” Cassie asked.

Isabel looked from her friend to Felix. She wasn’t going to say anything about what happened with a stranger sitting in on the conversation. Felix took the hint.

“I think I should go shower.”

“Oh, okay. The twins are in the other shower so you can use mine.” Cassie said. She only realized what she had done when Felix left and closed the door to her room behind him. She had recently done laundry but hadn’t gotten around to putting away any of it yet. She would die from embarrassment if Felix should catch even a glimpse of any of her lingerie.

“Don’t look so pale. I de-stressed by cleaning up your room.”

“Thank you.” Cassie said, releasing a breath.

“What happened last night? Was it a client?”


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