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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 77

“I think the door’s unlocked.”

“That’s nice.”

“Someone could walk in at any moment.”

“That’s nice.”

“Felix, did you hear anything I said?”

“That’s nice.”

Cassie groaned against him and was both surprised and pleased when Felix reacted to her groan by moaning into her mouth and pulling her closer than she thought possible. It had been exactly a month since their date at the greenhouse and Felix and Cassie were still waxing strong in their relationship. The only problem with the two of them being together was the fact that they had a problem keeping their hands off each other. Cassie had never been happier for it to be winter as it gave her the excuse to put on turtlenecks and scarves to hide the hickeys that Felix inevitably left on her from Isabel’s prying eyes.

Felix moved his lips from her mouth and started to pepper her jawline and neck with kisses. Cassie struggled to remember that making out with Felix wasn’t the only thing she had on her to-do list.

“As much as I love this, we have to stop. We are supposed to meet with my former professor in less than an hour, remember?”

“That’s nice.” Felix said.

For a brief moment, Cassie savored the way his voice rumbled against her throat before pushing him backward. “I’m serious. We have a meeting with Professor Goldberg and if I remember correctly she’s easy to get along with until someone is late. We cannot be late.” She insisted.

Felix sighed disappointedly. “Fine. You’re such a killjoy.” He wiped her lipstick from his mouth with a wet wipe he had started keeping in the office ever since he and Cassie had started their impromptu make-out sessions and he realized that it would take more than wiping at his mouth with the back of his hand to get the smudges of Cassie’s lipstick from his face.

Cassie rolled her eyes at him before her face grew serious. “What if she doesn’t remember me showing her the app? What if she actually does remember but that doesn’t change anything? What if…”

“Hey, Cassie.” Felix interrupted. “Calm down. It would be okay. If Professor Gilbert doesn’t turn out to be useful, we’ll find another way to prove that Preston stole Care Compass from you.” He assured. They were running out of time as the app was supposed to be available for public use before the end of the year and it was already December. But still, Felix was willing to do anything to ensure that Cassie got credit for the app that she worked so hard to build.

Cassie smiled at him. “Her name’s Goldberg.”

“I know. I just wanted to see that adorable smile of yours.” He said, placing a kiss on her forehead. Then he grabbed her hand and led her out of the office.


“She’s late.” Felix growled. They had been sitting inside a swanky vegan place named Green Bowl for almost an hour. Cassie had picked it because of its proximity to the office and the fact that she remembered that her professor was a vegan. Felix hadn’t met the woman but he already disliked her. Anyone that made him wait for that long was probably worth disliking.

Cassie sighed and poked her salad for the umpteenth time. About thirty minutes ago, she had begun to wonder if her professor would ever show up. A cool draft of air entered the room as someone entered and stood at the door for too long before shutting it. “That’s her.” Cassie said, sitting up straight in her chair.

“Cassandra Peters and friend.” A small graying woman greeted as she took a seat opposite them. “Long time no see.”

“It’s actually Cassie.” Cassie corrected. “And this is my boyfriend Felix. Thank you for meeting with us, Professor Goldberg.” She said as she shook hands with her.

“While I am happy to be in the presence of one of my most brilliant students, you should keep in mind that I can’t stay for long. I hope you don’t mind that I am in a bit of a hurry today.”

Felix scoffed and mumbled under his breath about how she wouldn’t have to leave early if she had just arrived early. Cassie kicked him under the table to silence him.

“That’s not a problem. I’ll keep it short.” She promised. “In the beginning of sophomore year, I came to you with an idea for a health app that was supposed to act as a sort of medical assistant to the common man.”


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