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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 78

“Can you please slow down?” Isabel begged, already out of breath.

Cassie crooked a brow at her friend. “Are you talking to me or Snowflake?”

Ever since the day Big Daddy had gotten thrown out of Cassie’s house, Isabel had been staying at Cassie’s and everyone in the house had fallen into an easy routine. When Cassie woke up in the mornings, she would pour a bowl of water and kibble for Snowflake, put the washed and dried dishes from dinner away and then head into the shower. Around the time that she would be toweling her body, Isabel would wake up and begin to prepare breakfast for the four of them – a suitable arrangement as between the two of them, Isabel was the better cook and unlike Cassie, she actually enjoyed cooking. By the time the twins would have woken up, Cassie would have already left for work so it would fall on Isabel to get them ready for school. Isabel and the twins usually left the house around the same time, sometimes leaving Snowflake behind, other times dropping her off at Amanda’s and one time, taking her to the twins’ school for show and tell. As Isabel had taken extra shifts at Hair Glam to compensate for what she wasn’t making after quitting her job at Club Indigo, she closed almost the same time as Cassie. The two of them would usually meet up at the train station and head back home where the twins would be waiting for them.

“The both of you, obviously.” Isabel scoffed. Snowflake kept tugging at her leash and walking ahead, making it difficult for Isabel who was on the other end of the leash to walk without tripping over. It didn’t help that she wore heels and that the ground was slippery from the snow. Cassie on the other hand had been chattering nonstop about what had happened at work that day. She moved her arms wildly as she spoke that Isabel had to duck frequently to avoid getting struck by her. “If I understand you correctly, you’re working with the Ice King to make For Isabel available to the public?”

Cassie scowled. “Don’t call him the Ice King. He’s really sweet. The app isn’t called For Isabel anymore. I agree that the name has some sentimental value behind it but that name is not exactly appropriate for the public so we’re calling it Care Compass now.”

“First off, the only reason you think Felix is sweet is because he only shows his sweet side to you. Then, why did you suddenly change your mind about it? I have been asking, practically begging, you to sell that app to a software company for years now. Something that good shouldn’t be for my use alone. While I’m pleased that you’ve taken my advice, I’d also like to know why you suddenly changed my mind.”

“I didn’t suddenly change my mind. I’ve talked about this already. Did you hear anything I said?”

“It’s hard to understand you when you’re spewing out words at light speed.”

“Fine. I’ll slow down. While I was in uni, I dated this absolute dick of a man, Preston Blackwell. He made me believe that everything that I did was absolute rubbish and that I was wasting everyone’s time and resources by going to school. And years after I’d broken up with him, a part of me still believed that this was true. About a month earlier, I saw him at Tech Town trying to pass off my app as his. A theft like that would be hard to prove because it was just going to be my word against his. So, I had to meet up with one of my professors who remembered that I’d shown her the app while I was still working on it as a sophomore. She emailed Preston telling him that if he continued to pass my app off as his, she was going to have his degree revoked. I think she might have been bluffing because I don’t know if she has the power to do that but it worked. Now, I have the complete rights to Care Compass.”

“Wow.” Isabel whistled. “Your work life is a lot more dramatic than mine. So far, the most dramatic thing that has happened at Hair Glam recently was a stylist stealing another stylist’s client.” Then she grunted as Snowflake tugged harder on the leash. They were getting closer to home. “So when will other people be able to use the app?”

“Felix and I are looking to have it online before the end of the year.”

“Hmm, Felix and I?” Isabel teased opening the front door. Snowflake shook the wetness from her fur and bounded in, distracting the twins who had been working on their homework.

“What’s with that face?” Cassie asked, taking off her coat.

“Nothing. It’s just that ever since Halloween, you’ve had a glow about you and I think it’s because of Felix.” She teased tugging at her cheeks.

“I do not have a glow.” Cassie countered by swatting away her hand dismissal.

“You do. You seem happy. Well, you’re always happy, so I guess the appropriate term is that you seem happier than usual.” Isabel said. “What exactly are you and Felix doing cooped all day in that office?” she asked, stroking her chin in mock suspicion.

“We’re working.” Cassie insisted. She brushed past Isabel and headed to the kitchen, partially to look for something to eat but mostly to hide her reddening face.


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