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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 85

Cassie, Daniel, Felix and Eliza all turned their heads toward the nurse. He was dressed in blue scrubs and crocs and wore a worried expression on his face.

Eliza let Felix grab the snacks that had tumbled out of the vending machine so that she wouldn’t stain it with any of Isabel’s blood and together, the two of them made their way to Cassie and Daniel who were already standing in front of the nurse.

“All of us.” Cassie declared. “All of us are for Isabel. How is she doing? Is she alright? Is she conscious? Can we see her now?” She asked, each question tumbling out before the nurse could ever hope to answer the previous one.

Felix placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Cassie, calm down. Let him talk.”

“Isabel is still in surgery. The good news is that the bullet grazed a rib but it missed her heart and lungs, so she’s very lucky. The bad news is that the bullet hit a major blood vessel so she’s lost a lot of blood. We’re working as quickly as possible to try to get it out but she’s going to need a blood transfusion.” He explained.

“Okay. I can donate blood. I’m O negative.” Cassie said, stepping forward.

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple.” The nurse said solemnly. “Isabel can’t be transfused with O negative blood.”

“Why not?” Cassie asked, her voice high and loud. “O negatives a universal donor, isn’t it? I should be able to donate my blood.”

“Not unless Isabel has a very rare blood type.” Eliza murmured. “Outside the usual A, B, O and AB negatives and positives, there are a bunch of other blood types that are so rare that for some of them, only about one percent of the population has them. I mean less than fifty people have Rh null blood so finding a donor is a bitch for them.”

The nurse nodded. “We checked that app on her phone for her medical information.” He said and nodded to Daniel who had provided the doctors with Isabel’s phone and passcode. “Isabel has Rh-mod blood. When we saw it on that app we thought that it was some type of mistake but after we ran some tests, we confirmed her blood type. We don’t have any Rh-mod blood at our blood bank and we were hoping that one of you would be a match for her. We’re currently in contact with other blood banks in Atlanta but none of them have Rh-mod blood and I’m sorry to say this but it’s not looking good.”

“I’m AB.” Daniel declared. “I don’t know whether I’m negative or positive.”

The nurse shook his head. “We can’t transfuse her with any type of AB blood. We might be able to work with your O negative blood but I can’t guarantee that it’d be a match for Isabel so you’d be taking a huge risk.”

Cassie made a strangled noise at the back of her throat. She couldn’t lose her best friend because of some random shooter. Who had even shot Isabel? Was it a stray bullet or a premeditated attack?

“I don’t know my blood type. Maybe I’m a match.” Felix said.

“Same.” Eliza said, raising her hand.


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