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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 86

“Neither. Some of her neighbors reported seeing a figure in a hoodie and an empty can of accelerant was found nearby. I don’t think Isabel getting shot was an isolated incident. If Cassie wasn’t with me, she, the twins and the dog would have been at home and I don’t think any of them would have been able to make it out alive. I don’t want to tell Cassie about it yet.”

“Understandable given the circumstances.”

Eliza paused at the door to the waiting room.

“Do they have any enemies?”

Memories of the morning that Big Daddy forced himself into Cassie’s house came back to him. “There’s only one that I know of. And if it’s him, I’m going to fucking kill him.” He swore. He pushed open the door to the waiting room.

“Are either of you a match?” Cassie asked once she laid eyes on them.

“It’s too early to tell but they’ll let us know when they find out.” Eliza answered.

“You’re a doctor right?” Daniel asked. “In your professional opinion, what do you think are the probabilities of them finding a match for Isabel and the rest of the surgery being successful?”

“It’s not looking too good for her. I’ve asked some of my contacts in blood banks whether they have a match for her but so far, nothing.” She replied.

“I still don’t understand how all of this happened.” Cassie croaked.

And so Daniel and Eliza dove into the tale about their different perspectives about what had happened that night.


Isabel was sure that she had scanned most of the ballroom but she still hadn’t been able to catch a glimpse of either Felix or Cassie. Daniel had left to get drinks for the both of them, leaving her to wander the ballroom by herself. She used her free time to see if she could spot Felix or Cassie, the only other people she knew there. As she glanced around the room again, there was still no sign of them. She began to doubt that they were still in the room. Being in a large hall filled with unfamiliar faces wasn’t fun. Or that was what she had thought until a familiar face had bumped into her.

“Oh dear, I am terribly sorry.” A deep voice apologized, offering her napkin to wipe off the mimosa that had accidentally spilled on her right sleeve.

“It’s fine.” Isabel assured, lightly dabbing on the barely visible stain. The mimosa spill blended perfectly with the color of her dress. She was more worried about smelling of mimosas for the rest of the night than a possible stain. She paused with her dabbing, intending to smile at the person that had spilled the mimosa to show that there were no hard feelings when her eyes found familiar ones.


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