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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 89

“I don’t care whether you want to take her before or after she gets well. I’m not letting Isabel leave the country. I’ll marry her if I have to.”

“It is illegal to marry someone solely for the purpose of obtaining citizenship. Isabel would be deported and would face a possible permanent bar from ever entering the United States. You would face criminal charges for marriage fraud. The maximum sentence is five years in prison and two hundred and fifty thousand dollars fine. And even if you don’t get jail time, you could still face other legal consequences like probation, community service or restitution.” Another one of the men explained. “I’m sorry but at the end of the day, we’re going to have to take Isabel away.”

Cassie scowled at him.

“I don’t think any of this would be necessary.” Felix said. “It is still an unconfirmed theory but I have reason to believe that Isabel and I are related. I think she might be my half-sister.”

A wave of confusion and silence was cast over the room. It was Cassie who broke it. “Because you guys have the same blood type?”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that. The fact that they have the same blood type is just luck.” Eliza said. “It’s just a theory. We can’t be sure unless we carry out a DNA test.”

“Am I still delusional from the anesthesia or did Felix just say that we might be related?” Isabel asked. Everything still looked fuzzy to her and for some reason, Cassie appeared to her as someone with four eyes and green hair.

“You’re not delusional.” Eliza said. “Sleepy, but not delusional.” Then she turned to the resident nurse in the corner. “Hey, what’s the hospital’s procedure for obtaining a DNA test?”

The nurse shook her head. “I’m not sure. I’d have to ask about it.”

“Okay, then. I’ll come with you.” Eliza offered. “I think you guys should come too.” She said, addressing the three ICE officers. She rolled her eyes when they remained unmoving, watching Isabel the way an observant hawk would. “Come on, you guys, Isabel is not going anywhere. She just had a bullet taken out of her chest. I don’t think she’s in any shape to run away from the hospital. And besides, don’t you guys have to be present if we’re going to run a DNA test to erase all doubts of foul play?”

The three men exchanged glances among themselves before they followed Eliza and the nurse out of the room. Most of the tension evaporated from the room.

Cassie’s shoulders sagged. “I can’t believe this is happening. None of this is supposed to be happening.” She and Isabel had expected to be hounded by the ICE at the witness stand in court and not at the hospital. The fact that the authorities had come to deliver the news to Isabel on her recovered bed sounded like a bizarre dream. Isabel had already fallen asleep again but when she fully woke up, she would begin to analyze everything that had happened so far. Cassie hadn’t even told her about the house.


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