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The Billionaire and His PA novel Chapter 88

Cassie stayed unmoving for a few seconds. “If this is a joke, Felix, I need you to stop.”

“I’m not Eliza. I won’t joke about something that serious.” Felix stated.

Eliza glared at him. “How rich? Your girlfriend’s house got burnt down and all you can do is take jabs at me. Fucking dip shit.”

Cassie slowly lowered herself to a nearby plastic chair. “I don’t understand. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would anyone do this?” If she hadn’t gone to the ball with Felix, or if she had gone back home instead of spending the night with him at the hotel, she would have been burnt to a crisp. And not just her. Lily, Aaron and Snowflake too. “First Isabel gets shot and then my house gets set on fire…” She trailed off as she started to connect the dots.

“Are they both connected? Do you think someone is out for us?”

“There’s no way to be certain about that for sure but it seems like a possibility.” Felix said.

“Oh my God.” Cassie croaked.

Her eyes were open, but she wasn’t seeing anything in front of her. All she could picture was her house, passed down to her by her parents, engulfed in flames and being burnt down so badly that the only thing that was left of it was soot and ashes. Apart from the clothes she was wearing and her favorite mug that she had left at Tech Town, all of her belongings were in that house. And not just her belongings, Lily and Aaron’s too. And Isabel, who had taken all of her things from her apartment while running away from the tyrannical Big Daddy to seek shelter at Cassie’s house, all of her things were gone in the fire. Where were they supposed to start from? She had her life savings and her recent pay from Care Compass was more than enough to get them another house – one that was bigger and better – but she had been planning to move out of her old house by choice. Not to be forced to move because of a fire that razed it to the ground. It didn’t matter that she could now afford another house and replace most of the things in it. Some of the things in the house might not have had much monetary value but they had high sentimental value. They were unreplaceable. How was she supposed to replace things like family photos, and her mum’s wedding dress? And Isabel, she had kept her savings in cash bound in a rubber band in the underwear drawer because she couldn’t open a bank account. What was she supposed to do?

She backed up toward the door. “I have to go.” She declared suddenly.

“Go where? You don’t have a house.” Eliza countered.

“Eliza!” Felix hissed.


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