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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 16

Ariel’s POV

“Hillary Futon "

She's the only thing standing in my way. My boys did some background checks on her, that was how I got to find out her name and her. I can’t believe that Nathan is cheating on me with a common tramp, a girl with no background, no name whatsoever. She is just an orphan that managed to win herself a scholarship to study in the same school that Nathan went to for his master’s degree. 

I still don’t know what he sees in her. She is not as beautiful and classic as I am and she lacks the temperament to be his wife. I am the chosen one, I am his betrothed. If there is anyone to bear the name “Mrs. Nathan Trent,” it is going to be me, nobody else would take my place in his heart. I’ve worked so hard to get here, I won’t let her succeed in replacing me.

 I studied the report I got from Tony this morning. She is not the kind of girl I should be competing with, she is nothing like me, in fact, we are completely opposite. Or maybe, She is just pretending to be miss goody two shoes. I mean, no sane person could possibly have such a clean record, right? She is just so good, too good if you ask me. She gets little stipends from the scholarship board as her allowance, but she doesn’t spend it all on herself, she prefers giving it to the needy and spending it on charity. Yuck!!! So disgusting. I’ll have to hasten her departure to the afterlife, I’ll kill the stupid bitch. She would never have my man, not when I’m still alive. I'm the only one that deserves to be his wife. I'm the only one that understands him. All that wealth will eventually belong to me.

Just when we are about to announce our engagement to the world and begin our preparations for the wedding, the foolish girl sneaked her way into his life. Stupid, Stupid girl.

And do you know the worst part of it all, she actually spent the whole night in his room, meanwhile, he doesn’t let me come close to him. He hates breathing in the same air with me or being in the same vicinity with me. With the way he is avoiding me, You would think that I have a terrible disease that is so infectious. 

"I never bargained for this. I never thought I'd ever meet a formidable opponent that'll stand in my way."

Now my engagement was not announced and my wedding plans have been put on hold indefinitely. She just waltzed in and took control of everything. And she's quite good at it. Now am back to working in the shadows, trying to find a way to sneak back into his heart. No, I never had a place in his heart, but I’m going to be his wife anyway. It's so ironic that am back to where I was before his parents agreed to our marriage. I’ll go back to sharing guys with my mom, Shagging in hotel rooms, and sneaking around. I’m so sure that he would stop me from coming back to his house because of her. His mom promised to do the introductions soon but am getting so, so, so impatient. I can't wait anymore. It's either they announce it to the world that we're getting married or I swear, I would, and that would be after I kill the fucking bitch that wants to take him away from me.

I sat in my car, going through her files while I waited for her to come down. I’ve been here for more than three hours but she did not show up, which could only mean that she is still up there with Nate, my Nate. After Tony reported back to me, I drove over to OXBY’s to see for myself. It was still a little too early, and the club was still quiet. The parking lot is also scanty, with just a few cars that’s belonging to the addicts that can’t stay a minute without drinking. I chose a spot that would keep me hidden from prying eyes and I parked my car, but I kept my eyes on all the entrances, watching carefully so I don’t miss them when they finally decide to leave the room.

Bratty Whore!!!

I can't believe she's having fun and living a carefree life while running my own plans for a better future.

"No Way!! I'll never let her win, not in my life!


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