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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 24

Nathan’s POV 

I always feel peace and tranquility whenever she is in my arms. I dropped a light kiss on her forehead, basking in her warmth as she lay in my arms.

It’s going to be hard to convince my family to accept her as my wife because of her family background, but I’m sure I can handle it. I just have to keep our relationship a secret until I take over everything. They would never be able to separate us, I won’t allow it. I just can’t imagine a life without her. 

My phone started ringing and I let out a frustrated sigh as I saw the caller ID. I stretched my hand to pick it up quickly so it doesn’t wake Hillary.

“Hello Grampy, so nice to hear from you,” I said in greeting.

“Quit being formal son, I thought we’ve grown past all that.” He teased softly. I had a huge fallout with my family. After I graduated from college, dad had wanted me to take over immediately but I wasn’t ready for all that, I was young and I had other dreams and aspirations. But my grandparents had taken my refusal to take over as a rebellion and grandpa kept threatening to hand over the family empire to my idiotic cousin Travis. 

Now I’ve finally gotten my master's degree and I’m ready to take over, I wonder what he is up to now, I wonder why he is calling. He is always so wise and manipulative, I just hope he doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve this time. 

“You have to come, home son, it’s time for you to learn all about the family tradition. The elders have decided to perform the traditional rites to hand over the family to you. The ceremony has to be carried out before you take over the company, so we need you on the plane and fly down here tomorrow.”


The company needs me Grampy, I have to get it sorted out and I need to establish my dominance in the company. Our shareholders are complaining about the sudden drop in our income, our investors are pulling out gradually, I need to resume at the company immediately Grampy, I can’t abandon my duties for a month, the company would suffer serious damages.” I explained to him, trying so hard to convince him to change his mind about this. 

Why is he coming up with this all of a sudden, I mean, where is this coming from?

For as long as I can remember, they have been trying to get me to sit on that seat and handle the company’s affairs, our competitors are taking advantage of the fact that our company has no seating CEO and they are poaching our investors and stealing our clients from right under our noses. I know all this and I’ve been silent all this while because I’ve got a plan to expand our brands and open new branches in other countries.  I am confident of my capabilities and I’m sure all our investors would be forced to come back to us when they see us thriving better than our competitors. I just have to resume office and get to work, that’s the plan. That has always been the plan which is why I am curious as to why my grandfather would suddenly suggest that I should abandon all these projects, abandoning the family’s multinational companies that are at the bridge of losing all potential clients. He wants me to leave all this and run-down home for some traditional ceremonial, handing over.

I know it is the tradition, it’s been our age-long tradition. The Trents have an age-long tradition, and we never deflect from our roots. This tradition has been passed down for generations, my parents never failed to teach us about it, they made it mandatory for us to go back home every year and interact with our families, learning all about our traditions. Before any leader emerges, he has to visit the previous leaders, which we refer to as the elders and they would spend a considerable amount of time with them learning how to be a good leader and how to resolve family or business crises. 

It is during this process that the elders teach you the secrets of running a successful business in New York City and how to settle business disputes the hard way. My family has some deep roots with the underground, I could remember hearing dad say that he has some contacts with the Mafia’s and he calls them for help on issues he couldn’t handle himself. I know how important it is for me to get the blessings of the elders before I resume my duties, I know it is important to use every resource they have so I can achieve greater heights, but that is not the most important thing right now, is it?

Besides, what my family doesn’t know is that I have taken my time to study all there is to know about running our companies. All my life, I’ve watched dad run this company and I know so many mistakes and bad decisions that he had made while running this company, that is why I know that I can d a better job. Also, I have been running a successful business for years without their knowledge. They may have some contacts with the underground but I have a direct link to the Mafia Lord, Costello. We are more than acquaintances, I’ve saved his ass a couple of times and he has promised to always come to me whenever I call on him.

Costello is personally vetting my security detail. I had initially planned on bringing in my boys after I resume in the company, but now, I have to get them down here immediately. Something ain’t right. My Grandpa is acting strange and the funny part of all this is that I excepted more hostility toward me than I’m getting. I know I have a lot of enemies that have sworn to never let me sit on that seat. Travis and his father are my greatest enemies and I was expecting them to fight me with everything they’ve got, but they appear to be sleeping. Initially, they have tried to persuade my grandfather to cast me away because of my rebellion, they tried framing me up with several lies, trying to make my grandfather believe that I was a drug dealer and a drug addict. 

All their lies amounted to nothing because I never let them succeed and my parents never believed their lies. I even fed them false news, letting them believe that I was sick and that I couldn’t be with a woman. They believed it in a heartbeat and they ran off with the news, telling everyone who would care to listen. They had thought that my grandfather would change his mind about making me his heir, seeing as I could never have children to succeed me. But that never worked, my grandfather was not easily deceived or manipulated, he always sees the truth behind their lies and treachery, and he knows how much they hate me and my family so he never fails to do his own investigations whenever a rumor springs up about me.


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