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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 28

Nathan’s POV

Everyone was acting so strange, it felt like the whole world was going insane and the only sane people left was Hillary and I. First, my father would stop coming up with different suggestions on how I could run the company from the Caribbean.

Gramps wants Travis to be in charge while I’m away, but I fought against that arrangement. Travis can never be trusted with running the family affairs, not when I’m still I’ve and breathing. He has been after me, for as long as I can remember, Travis has been searching for a way to bring about my downfall. If given the chance, he could burn down the company, just to keep me from running it. My gut feeling says that he has something to do with my sudden travel, but I ain’t gonna pay much attention to that. I’ll be back soon and everything would go back to the way it used to be.

I have made all necessary arrangements to ensure that Travis doesn’t make any rash decisions while I’m away. Now, no contract would be finalized without my signature. Everything must pass through my table before it gets approved. My secretary would be available at all times, she would report the day's activities to me, that way I get to know all about the company, even though I’m abroad.

Next, it's Ariel. The bitch keeps whining and complaining about my impromptu travel, saying it’s just a trick I’m using to escape our wedding plans. She has no idea what I was planning on doing, I wouldn’t have spoken much or created a scene, but I’m sure gonna cancel that fucking wedding. If only she know that this trip just delayed the inevitable for the both of us. I would have called off this fucked up engagement within the next few days. I can’t stand the bitch, she disgusts me.

Mom wouldn’t stop calling me. She wants me to go against my grandfather, she wants Ariel and I to get married before I leave the country, claiming that Ariel is not going to wait for my return. Has she ever wondered why Ariel chose to wait for me all these years, does she not see that she is only after the money?

Well, good riddance to slutty Ariel, I’m secretly married to Hillary, and when I get back, we’ll make it official. I drove her over to her apartment, I need her to stay in our house while I'm away. I’d put some security guards in the building and I’ll make sure it’s safe and secured for her. She keeps insisting on finding a job, she wants to take care of her own needs. At first, she refused to live in my house because it would be difficult for her friend to pay the rent without her. She only accepted my offer after I settled the rent with the owner of the building. I paid for the lease, giving me ownership of the apartment for a couple of years. Now she doesn’t have to worry about her friend’s accommodation, the house is hers for as long as she desires.

After picking a few things from the house, I took her back home and let her settle in nicely. I had a few last minute details to see through. I got a call from Costello, and from his tone of voice, I could tell that something ain’t right. I called him earlier to brief him about my travel back home, I urged him to get the guys ready so I could get them and place them in the right positions before leaving. He called to tell me that he has the guys on standby, and he also has some very information that I need to sort out before I leave. 

He was in a meeting with some of his drug lords when I got there, I had to wait a few minutes for him to conclude his meeting before coming out to see me. While I waited, his kid sister Rosie, kept me occupied with talks about her brother's cruelty towards her. She wishes to go into business and start up a legit business, but Costello refused to let her out of his sight. I really can’t blame him though, she is the exact replica of their late mother, so he is a little overprotective of her. Besides, she has no experience in running any kind of business, she has a long way to go before she can be considered fit to be her own boss. I would have offered to help, but I’m pretty sure that she wouldn’t be patient enough to await my return. 

She left the living as soon as he walked in, and when I looked up at his face, I understood why she had left. He looks upset, too upset to listen to anyone. If I wasn’t leaving tomorrow, I would have left also, he is never on his best behavior when he is upset. 

“put off the grumpy face man, I can’t deal with it today. I’ve got a lot on my plate as well.”

“Shut the fuck up Nate, there is so much that you are not able to deal with, my grumpy face is the least of your problems right now.” He responded sternly. Hearing him talking about my troubles made me more curious about what he is about to say. He pushed a button on his wristwatch and two hefty looking bouncers came into the room, followed by six other men that looked tough but not as muscular as the first guys.

“These are the ones I vetted personally Nate. They are good at their jobs, and they are loyal as well. I ordered them to dig into your affairs and get to know you personally, and they all did quite a good job.

By the way, congratulations on your secret marriage with the good chick, I was actually rooting for her and not the other whore that screws you brother behind your back.” He said mockingly, making my eyes go wide in shock.

“Are you trying to tell me that Ariel is having an affair with Travis?” I asked in surprise.

“And are you trying to tell me that you have no idea that you have been dating a whore?” he countered back and I kept mute immediately. I knew she was a whore, but screwing my own brother, that a whole new level, and it’s so low, even for her.

“Your ignorance is none of my business, Nate. While you’re secretly getting married, Travis has been plotting a comeback for your family, you would not be coming back to a multi-billion company, Nate. Travis is buying off the share of the company and he is planning on taking full control before your arrival, he would be the major shareholder and he would have the power to make every major decision in the company. 


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