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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 26

Ariel POV

“Find out where she lives, I want to kill her myself.” 

“Yes, ma’am, I’ll get right on it.” He responded abruptly and ended the call.

Travis's plans worked better than I had expected. I got a call from Nathan's mom telling me to find time to come see him off at the airport. Apparently, his grandfather wants him to come back home for some weird traditional tingy, I don’t really care. The point is that he gets to leave town for a few months until he fully understands the family's heritage. 

This would give me all the time I need to find that slut and get rid of her for good, but at the same time, I can’t forget about Travis. That sneaky bastard. He must think that I’m so stupid. With Nathan out of the country, he would have the power to run the company the way he want. He has something up his sleeves and I’m going to find out what it is.

When I got the call from Mrs. Trent, I drove over to Nathan's house, the house his parents got for him in the estate. The battle between Travis and Nathan is no secret in the Trent household. The elders always try to be just and fair in their judgments, that is why they got them the same house in the same estate. I spent the afternoon With Travis, but when I drove over to Nathans house, I found it uninhabited.  The premises look deserted and unkempt. You could tell that no one lives in this house. If he hasn’t moved to this house, it simply means that he has another house in this estate that nobody knows about.

I’ve kept tabs on him for the past two years, I monitored his affairs closely to make sure he doesn’t change the plans, how did I miss this, how could he have gotten a house without my knowledge?

It’s got to be her, he bought that house for Hillary. That slut. She is the cause of all my problems, how did she get to be smarter than me?

I’ve schemed and planned my affairs for more than two years, I’ve killed to get to this position, but she only came a few days ago and now she has him doing anything she wants. Well, not for too long, I won’t let her take this away from me, I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am. She has no idea what I did to get Nathan's parents to accept me. I fucking killed to get here, how can she take him from me, after all I did?

I turned around and left his stupid house that’s empty, then I drove to his parent's house, at least I’m still welcomed there. The atmosphere at his parent's house is so gloomy, it looks like they were moaning about the death of a loved one. It is so depressing and I wished I had never come here. I had to pretend to be a little bit sad about his impromptu travel, I had to fake it to his family. His mom sat on the couch quivering her lips as she sobbed, she thinks the old man is up to no good, she isn’t far from the truth because I happen to have the same thoughts. Although I know his reason for calling him home was because Travis asked him to do it, I still wondered why the old man had listened to Travis.

It is said rumored that Nathan is the favored son. He is a spitting image of the elderly Trent and he is adored and favored by the elders. It is due to the influence of his grandfather that he was chosen to lead the family despite the fact that Travis is two years older than him. The old man had fought and schemed to make Nathan the heir, how could he be working with Travis to ruin his own plans and destroy Nathan, it’s just not right. Something doesn’t quite add up, it just doesn’t make any sense.

I kept thinking about it as I consoled his mom and assure her that ever would be okay, the only thing that keep coming to my mind is “Blackmail.”

Travis must have something on the old man and he is using it to force him to do his bidding. I wouldn’t put it past that slimy, sneaky bastard. He could blackmail his own grandfather if it gets him what he wants, that’s how dangerous he can be. 


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