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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 32

Still Nathans POV

“What do I do if your mom finds out that you have a girl in your house, what do I say to her, how do I even explain this to your girlfriend, you know how crazy she can be, you’ve seen how dangerous she can be when she is upset, I don’t want any troubles Nate, I can’t deal with all this when you are away.” she whined like a baby, pouting like a spoilt bratty child.

“We’ve talked about this over and over again, my love. Why don’t you give it a rest, I’m not changing my mind, not now, not ever. I need you here, in our house, waiting patiently for me. The thoughts of a beautiful woman waiting for my return would encourage me to finish my task on time and run back home to you.  I love you Hillary and I need to be sure that you are fine even in my absence. Nobody knows about this house, my love, no one is going to find out about you. I got this house for us and nobody else knows about it except for you and I. You’ll be safe here, I promise. If anything goes wrong, these guys would take care of it and make sure you are okay, that is why they are here.” I assured her, pushing her hair behind her ears, cupping her warm, soft cheeks on my hand.

“You should have let me stay with Avril, I’ll be more comfortable with her company. Now I’m stuck in this huge house, with these three Macho men that scare the shit out of me. I hate you for this Nate, I fucking hate you.” She continued.

“I told you she could come live here with you until I returned. The guest room downstairs would be perfect for her, I’m sure she would love it. Besides, these three macho men are here for your protection, don’t go having any funny ideas.” I teased her, earning a hard glare from her.

“Come on love, I was only pulling your legs, I trust you implicitly. I know you would never cheat on me. Here, have this,” I told her while handing her my platinum black card.

“Look, I know how much you love being independent and all that, but trust me you’ll need this. It has enough money on it to last you for a lifetime, and don’t worry, it's not being funded by the family company, it is funded by my other businesses that my family doesn’t know about. Do not fail to use it for anything you need, I mean anything at all. I would be so pissed if I do not see an alert from this card every week, or every day, it’s your choice actually, I don’t really care how often you use it, all I care about is that you must use it, it my money, I mean our money and I want you to use it, always.” I coarse her, speaking in a soft, hoarse tone.

“What if I run down your account, I could run off with your money, you know.” She responded with a smirk, making me chuckle softly.

“I would love to see you try, baby girl. It would take a million years to run down my account, besides, it would give me great joy to watch you spend my money, it’s all I ever want,” I muttered softly, watching as her face brightened up with a warm smile.

“Here’s an assignment, or should I say, a task. Felix would take you car shopping tomorrow, I want you to get a car for yourself with that card. I wouldn’t want you driving my car around, It would draw attention to you and it could get you on the front page of the newspapers. I don’t want that now, you wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure from the journalist and my family, not while I’m away. This is a test Hilly, get a car that would suit your new status as Mrs. Nathan Trent. Make me proud of your choice of car, babe, don’t disappoint me.” I warned playfully.

“Now that you mentioned it, I think I’ll go by the garage and get myself a Volkswagen Beetle, what do you think, would that suit my style and status?” she asked teasingly.

“I would literally kill you, Hillary. No wife of mine would ride in that junk of a car.” I responded with a light chuckle, causing her to giggle along with me. I dragged her along with me as I drove to the office to attend my meeting with the board and also introduce Rosie as my secretary and Fred, as my personal assistant. She stay in the car, waiting for me as I conveyed my instructions to everyone including Travis who simply sat there and stared at me with a smirk on his face.

I explained in detail to the board of directors, telling them that I’m still in charge and every decision must be passed by me before it is made. Every report must come to me through Rosie and every contract must be approved by me before it is carried out. As I gave these instructions, I expected Travis to counter my decision or say something to refute my orders, but the dude kept mute and he focused on the laptop in from of him, smirking evilly as he ignored me totally.


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