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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 34

Still Nathans POV

I was wasting too much time, I don’t even know what to do right now or how to react in this kind of situation, I’ve never been in such a situation, never in my life, I am not prepared for this. There is absolutely no way that someone can be ready for something like this. Noel was yelling at me, trying to get me to snap out of this reverie, but I just couldn’t get myself to think straight. I thought I was strong enough to face any challenge that comes my way, but not this, certainly not this. 

“This is not the time to try and figure out what went wrong, we have to get the fuck out of here!” he yelled furiously, yanking me off the seat, shaking me vigorously to try and bring me back to reality. The other guy splashed water on my face, and that fucking did it, I got pulled back to reality, it felt like I was in a trance all along. I quickly grabbed my parachute from his hand and dashed towards the exit, going as fast as I possibly could. It’s like my survival instinct just kicked in and all I wanted to do is to get the fuck out of this plane before it blows up. Noel already had his parachute on, he quickly hung my backpack on his back, as they all ran behind me.

I jumped out of the airplane, putting my hands by my side so I could go down faster. I could hear the screams of the guys as they also jumped down from the plane. It was up to ten minutes after we jumped out and the plane exploded into bits and pieces, its broken shards flying all around us. I know how these things work, a few years ago, my obsession with skydiving was extremely excessive. I guess you’re wondering why I panicked at first when I know all about skydiving. You have to know that there is a big difference between jumping out of a plane when you’re having fun with friends, trying out new things and when you’re asked to jump down or lose your life. I guess I never expected something like this to happen, ever, worse yet, I am still trying to figure out how all this could have happened, I still don’t understand it all, but I’ll let it go for now. 

I can’t be distracted right now, I have to concentrate on landing successfully. I know that you aren’t supposed to pull your parachute until you’re a few feet down. The parachute on my private plane was designed to calculate the distance to earth and pull out on its own, but I don’t know what is wrong with it today, I can’t hear that beeping sounds that would tell me that it’s actually calculating the distance to land. Since I can’t be sure that my parachute is going to pull out on its own, I had to keep looking down, checking the distance to land. 

I think I’m seeing things, or maybe I’m finally going insane, but this doesn’t look like New York or the Caribbean. It looks so alien, so foreign, if I didn’t know better, I’d say that we are no longer in America, but that is just impossible. I’m certain that we hadn’t been on the air for more than two hours, how did we get to this place, did the pilot change course after we took off?

Why the hell would he do that?

We would have been in a safe landing space, instead, we are here, in this unknown territory surrounded by rocks and trees instead of beach sands and water. I looked around and all around this location is so rough and it looks uninhabited. Earlier, I had a hunch that something isn’t right, but now in pretty certain that all this must be planned, there is no way we are calling this a coincidence, it’s definitely planned. Kudos to whoever sat down and planned all this, they did a pretty good job, they took me unaware and they are actually succeeding in their plans. I have to confess, I’m pretty impressed. I just hope that they have thought this through, I hope that their end game is well-strategized because I’m sure I won’t be letting this go, I’ll find the culprit and I’ll make them pay for this, I’ll fucking kill them all.

I heard Noel and the others screaming, they were a few feet above me, and they would stop screaming and thrashing around, we didn’t have time to put on our come, so I couldn’t hear what they were saying. I looked up in their direction and I discovered that they have pulled up their parachute, but something isn’t right, I think it has something to do with their parachute. I couldn’t hear what they were saying from there, and I’m already close enough to land. I pulled out my parachute, pulling on the rope to control it to land where I desire, but it wasn’t working, the air was too much, it was pulling me in different directions, I couldn’t control it.

I looked up at my parachute, that was when I saw what was the guys have been screaming about, our parachutes have been tampered with. I could clearly see the slitting cuts that I’m pretty sure it was made with a blade or something Sharp. The heavy breeze was pushing me, tearing the parachute even more. I knew there was nothing I could do right now, I just have to pray and hope that I land in a safe spot, devoid of those pointy rocks. I kept struggling to control the parachutes, struggling desperately to hold on to them, then I felt a strong arm going around me, holding me close and tight, I looked up at the guy wearing the same uniform as my pilot. I’ve seen him a couple of times but I don’t even recall his name, all I could remember right now is that he is the copilot of this plane and right now, he is my savior.

“Hold tight Mr. Trent,” he spoke out loudly, using a knife to cut off my parachute. I held on to him so tightly, my life depends on it. I looked up at his own Parachute, and I discovered that his parachute is working perfectly fine, and he is wearing a bulletproof, carrying many weapons on him. He looks so prepared like he knows something about all this like he knows what’s going on right now. I have a lot of questions that are running through my mind, I know that he would have answers to my questions, I just have to wait until we land, then I would have the chance to find out exactly what is going on here. How did he get all these weapons, he’s just a copilot, he has no license to carry all these weapons. For fucks sake, he doesn’t even know how to use them, except he isn’t an ordinary copilot like I thought.


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