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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 46

Hillary’s POV

“You don’t have to do this, Hilly. Nobody knows about your marriage with Him, you could get locked up for showing up uninvited and disrupting the burial ceremony. You have to move on with your life and forget about him, he is gone Hills, there is nothing you can do to bring him back.” Miguel pleaded softly, trying to dissuade me from going for Nathans Burial.

“I need to do this Miguel, I need to let them know that they are all making a huge mistake. My husband is alive, he is not dead, and even if he was dead, I should be the one making arrangement for his burial, and not that bitch, not that evil witch, Ariel. How on earth do you expect me to sit back and watch her succeed in getting everything that she wants?” 

She know where he is, she had let them take him because he chose to be with me. I know that she was lying when she said that he was dead, she simply wants me to forget about him and leave, she wants me out of the way so she could have him all to herself. Can’t you see what she is trying to doing, she is trying to get me to act rashly, that way, she could claim that I ran away without waiting for my husbands return. 

I have to stop her before she succeeds in burying my husband, he is not dead, he is not dead, he is not dead.” I yelled hysterically, trying to break out of his arms as he held me and pulled me close to himself, whispering kind words to me, his hands were on my back, caressing me softly, making me feel a bit calm.

It’s been six weeks since I got attacked by Ariel. I had passed out in the living room, I had no idea what was happening around me, I thought I was dying, I thought I would never see my Nathan anymore. I can’t feel any part of my body, it felt like I was read already. I tried to pull my body forward so I can see the state of my body, but I couldn’t move any part of my body, no matter how hard I try, I just wouldn’t move. 

I lay there hopelessly, calling on the lord for strength to survive this. I just can’t let her win, I have to expose her so everyone can see her forbeho she truly is. They need to know that there is a demon that lies beneath all that beautiful smiled of hers that never leaves her face, that smile that shows on every picture that she snaps for the media. To me, that smile looks like a mask on her face, a mask that she has refused to, and I, Hillary Futon, I would take off that mask and expose her true evil nature.

I don’t know how long I laid there on the floor, but I could faintly hear the sound of the siren that shows  that the cops were nearby, I guess that is why they had all left in such a hurry, they must have heard it too, the last thing Ariel wants is to be having issues with the cops. It could lead her into more trouble because she had admitted to killing even more people than we could ever imagine. It would definitely be a sad ending for her if they opened up a case file for her. I shudder at what they would find out about her if they truly opened a case file for her. 

They must find something that would put her away for good, that is why I want to attend that burial and disrupt all of her plans. There is no way in hell that I’m letting her bury my husband, not in this life. I don’t care how rich she is, I still don’t care if she is a powerful person in this city, I just won’t sit by and let her get away with what she did to my husband and to me. Yes, it’s personal now. The bitch did not just scheme with the people that abducted my husband, she had also sent her thugs to beat me up. You don’t expect me to let it roll off my back, do you?

Well, I won’t!

I won’t listen to Miguel, I’m going right there to probe to everyone that I am Mrs. Trent. I would make sure I highlight everything I know on live television. Yes, you heard me right, The bitch is airing it love on national television, announcing to the whole world that my husband is dead. There is absolutely no way that his family would ignore everything I have to say, my evidence is too strong to be dismissed by anyone. Yes, I have evidence to support my accusations, Miguel and I have been doing some investigations since I got attacked by Ariel and her goons. You would be surprised at all the things she has done just to get close to the Trents.

She is not a rich heiress like everyone is forced to believe, she is just living in past glory. In reality, she is a poor, broke ass bitch that can’t even afford to shop at a discount store, let alone, shopping at a mall or using designers. She is a leech, feeding off every man that ever looks her way, that is why she came after the Trents, she is after their money, she wants to remain rich even if her family is no longer wealthy. I was wondering why she would want to go after another one of the Trents just few months after the death of Nathan. We discovered that she is so desperate to be a Trent and he has killed every other girl that stands in her way. She fucking killed them all.

In the eyes of the world, she is a pretty young lady who has just lost her betrothed, they have no idea that she is the real definition of devils incarnate. She doesn’t just contract hired assassins to do the job for her, she kills with her bare hands, killing them all before they even had a chance to get close to Nathan. Miguel had found some of the bodies where she had dumped them, but some could never be found, all Miguel could find was traces of her goons around the murder scenes. He was able go trace them to all the murder scenes, and he got evidence that proves that she has been using them to do her dirty jobs for a very long time, even before she started aiming for the position of Mrs. Trent. 


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