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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 48

Still Hillary’s POV

“You need to stop calling me Hills, I don’t want to be involved in this matter, I don’t want to die, Hillary, please just go away.” 

“Avril wait, don’t hang up.” I called out to her, because I know she would hang up on me immediately. 

“I told you to stay away from me, Hillary, I can’t deal with all this drama in my life, I can’t be seen with you, they will come back for me, they’ll kill me Hills, they’ll fucking kill me.” She sobbed loudly, making me feel even more guilty.

“I know Avi, and I wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t so important. Just hear me out this time and I promise, I’ll never bother you ever again.” I pleaded softly, hoping she hears me out this last time because it may be the very last time I’ll be speaking with her. I have no idea what I’ll be meeting there, Nathan's mom may recall my face, she had seen me lurking around their mansion the other day. She may get me arrested, even before Ariel makes any move on me. She had insulted me and sternly warned me never to come near her properties again. I sincerely hope that she is not one of those women that never forgets a face, I only want everyone to hear the truth, I simply want to expose Ariel and her thugs and accomplices, I don’t want to get locked up in jail, and I certainly do not want to die.

“You have fifteen seconds.” She let out in a pissed tone, trying to hide the weakness in her voice. I could tell that she had been crying.

“I’m sorry Avril, I never meant for any of this to happen, I’ll never do anything to hurt you and you know it. I don’t know how all this started, but I’m right in the middle of it all and there is nothing I can do about it, I’m so sorry, I should have…”

“Ten more seconds Hills!!! 

I’m hanging up if you have nothing important to say to me.” She told me pointedly, causing me to let out a frustrated sigh as I ran my hands through my hair.

“It's Fine Avi, you can hang up now. I just wanted to say nice words to you before I finish this task because I don’t know if I can make it out of that cathedral alive. I love you, Avril, I’ll never forget about you, I’ll always love you like a sister because you are not just my best friend, you are the only family I have and I love you with all the love in me” I told her truthfully.

“Wait, what cathedral, what are you saying, I don’t understand what you are saying Hills, where the fuck are you going to?” she yelled at me, sounding so furious a curious at the same time. I have no time to explain everything to her, besides, she did ask me to stay away from her, I should at least try to keep to my word and respect her wishes, this may be the last thing I’ll be doing for her.

“Goodbye Avi, I’ll miss you.” I muttered softly before hanging up on her. I could hear her voice as she tried to ask me more questions, but I ignored her and ended the call before she could say anything more. I really can’t blame her for pushing me away, she had gone through hell at the hands of Ariel and her thugs. They had hurt her severally just to get to me. After she escaped the fire, she also went into hiding. She flew out of the country, choosing to stay as far away from me as possible. But they didn’t let her go.

I don’t know how Avril got to find out her location in Canada, but she did and she sent some of her boys after her, dragging her back into the country against her wish. I have no fucking idea how Ariel was able to drag her out of the airport without alerting the airport security. She had managed to get her back into the country against her wish. Like Miguel had said, she had some powerful men backing her up. She makes it seem like it’s all her power, making everyone around her to believe that she can get anything she wants anytime she wanted it.

She had used her resources to bring back my friend so she could use her to flush me out of my hiding place. If only Avril had someone like Miguel by her side, they would not have caught her, she could have had some peace of mind, but she didn’t have anyone around here that could teach her how to evade Ariel’s goons. She had only gone away for a few days before they had found her location. She was dragged back here and tortured for information about me. She was locked away for days while pictures of her were sent to my phone with threatening messages, I had nearly turned myself in to save her, but Miguel came up with a plan, he got some boys to work with him and together they traced the basement that she is being held in and they got her out. Two of his boys had been hit by Ariel’s thugs, but they finally got her out safely.

She had actually reported the case to the nearest precinct, but the cops couldn’t do anything about it because she had no evidence to present, she had been in the hospital for two months, trying to heal from all her injuries. She had a few cracked ribs and a broken arm. It would take a few months for her to heal properly and even after her physical wounds heal completely, I’m pretty certain that her emotional pains would never heal, the scars would remain forever and it would serve as a reminder of the pains I made her pass through. Miguel had personally taken her away after she was discharged from the hospital. He took away all her electronic gadgets that could be used to track her down, he gave her an untraceable phone that she could use to call for help in case she needs anything or if she gets into trouble again. I have no idea why he had chosen to take her to Paris, France, but I’m sure she would love it there because she had always wanted to visit Paris, it is all she had ever talked about, it’s been her dream since I’ve known her. Although the circumstances are not really right, I am just glad that she is actually living her dream. 


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