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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 52

Still Miguel’s POV

“Keep your eyes open, I need you to look at me. You can’t shut your eyes, just keep your eyes on me, listen to my voice, just listen to me. You’ll be fine, I promise.” I told her softly. I had one hand on the steering wheel while my other hand was stretched towards her, holding her hand. She has lost so much blood and she looks as pale as a ghost.

“I… I… It hurts… It hurts so badly, I can’t take it anymore. I… I… I can’t bear it anymore. G… G… Get help Miguel… I… I… I… need help… Help…” She cried out in pain, shivering like a feverish patient. I have been driving around for a good few minutes, yet there was no hospital in sight, none at all. We had left the crime scene just in the nick of time. The cops passed us on their way to the crime scene but they had no idea that we were the culprit, they simply passed by us and we drove away. Thank God they didn’t see Hillary in that condition, they would have dragged us to the station for questioning and we could have encountered more issues especially if we are apprehended by some of the dirty cops, it would have been so bad, so fucking bad. I’m pretty certain that they would not have bothered to bring us down to the station, they would have killed us on sight and they would have gotten away with it because everyone believes that the cops are right, they would never believe that we are innocent victims.

I stopped by a car park and stole another car, abandoning the first carb a few miles away from the Garage. It had taken quite a while to move her from the first car to the second one. I had to be extremely careful so no one would suspect anything fishy. I took off my blazer and shirt, using it to wrap her properly so nobody could see that she is bleeding. The last thing I want right now is for any stranger passing by to call the cols and lay a formal complaint against me, telling them that I’m carrying a girl covered with her own blood.

If they get a call from someone, it wouldn’t be long before they realize that we are the ones they are talking about and they would gain in on us again and resume their hot pursuit. I had to keep her injuries hidden before taking her to the car, laying her on the back seat. I saw a pharmacy up ahead and I stopped in front of the building, scooping her into my arms as I carried her inside. I called out to the pharmacist, half begging and half pleading for him to see what is wrong with her, but he refused to attend to her because she looks so pale and he thought she was about to die. He spoke to me politely, asking me to go to the hospital so the professionals could attend to her. He said he was simply a pharmacist and not a doctor or nurse. He gave me two directions, one to another pharmacy that is just two blocks away. He said the pharmacist there is more experienced than him because the lady used to work as a nurse in a hospital, he assured me that she could be able to help me attend to the lady.

“If the sign says close, do not turn away, use the back door, it’s always open and she does most of her work at the back.” He advised me, looking so serious. You would think that he is talking about some badass Ninja or something like that, you would never know that he is talking about an ordinary pharmacist.

The second address he gave me was to a private hospital and a public hospital. He wrote down the two addresses, telling me to hurry before the girl dies. I said a few words of thanks as he help me take Hillary back to the car. I decided to try the other pharmacy before going to the hospital. Hospitals have this weird law this weird policy, they always request for an official police report before they can attend to a victim of an accident or any other weird case. I can’t be seen anywhere near the police station right now, I can’t get any fucking report, not now when she is bleeding out on the car seat. Besides, Ariel must be aware of the fact that Hillary has escaped from her grasp a second time. She must be so pissed that Hillary keeps getting away. She would have sent her thugs to search for her in every fucking hospital. Ariel would never let her get away this time, she is such a bitch!

I’m not prepared for such a battle, I can’t take them down alone. The best move would be to hide out and try as much as possible to evade them. “One more thing, if anyone comes here and asks about us, you never saw us here, and you have no idea where we are.” I instructed him. He smiled and nodded lightly. He understands what I meant, he is a pharmacist, I’m sure he has seen situations like this before. I left his place, with Hillary still in my arms looking paler by the minute, I drove as fast as I could, going to the other pharmacy. I arrived in a few minutes, parking in front of the door like a fucking lunatic. The sign on the door says closed but I’ll go in any way.  I picked her up in my arms, going towards the door, I yanked on the door handle, trying to push it open, but it didn’t budge, it has been locked from the inside. I carried her around the corner, searching for the back door that the other guy talked about. It wasn’t hard to locate it, it still had a sign on it saying closed, “Not in use.”

I tried to push it open but it’s locked as well. I banged hard on it, yanking on the door handle, but I couldn’t get it open. I looked around, checking if there is anyone around when I saw that the street was empty, I pulled out my gun and shot twice on the door handle, then I kicked it open and stepped into a slightly wider room with two hospital beds, then I heard the sound of a pistol being cocked. I turned and saw a beautiful blonde lady, standing near the door to an adjoining room, her gun pointed right at me.

“You owe me a fucking door.” She said sternly, looking me dead in the eyes.


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