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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 50

Miguel’s POV

Why can’t she just listen to me, why won’t she just listen?

After I stormed out of the room in anger, I went to pick up her car from the hotel where we had abandoned it when those thugs came after us. The plan was to follow behind her and keep watch over her to make sure nothing happens to her. It’s my responsibility as a Hartford, I can't back down now, not after the promise I made to my twin brother Raymond, it’s been more than four months and I still haven’t heard from him, but I won’t give up, I won’t believe whatever the media is saying. His beacon is still turned on, yes the tracker is turned off but it’s still on anyways. 

Besides, he is a Hartford, we went through the same training, he knows the drill, he knows that if the threat is too great for him to handle alone, he is supposed to use the Hartford’s special flare gun and signal for help. Unlike other flare guns that shoot one bullet at a time, ours shoots five bullets at once and each bullet has a different color, making it unique and different. Every Hartford would come trouping to that direction to lend a helping hand.

We knew the risk involved before we decided to embark on this mission. The future of our family depends on this mission Ray and I decided to carry out this mission when we realized that our family did not just work for the Trents, we are actually blood bound to the Trents. Out great grandfather did not just swear his allegiance to the Trent’s, he also pleaded his life and the life of his unborn children to the Trent’s, This means that our lives belong to the Trent’s, so we are mandated to serve a Trent until the day we die. 

We had no idea that the covenant between our great grandparents was too powerful to be ignored. After Gramps left the Trent's, his life never remained the same again. He had no focus and no ambition anymore, he simply induced himself in drinking, drinking himself to a stupor every blessed day. No agency accepted him for any kind of job whatsoever, he couldn’t find any other job, it felt like his name attracted bad luck for him. He had to bring down his standards and apply to be a janitor, yet he got nothing, nothing at all. Whenever he mentions his name, he gets rejected and disappointed, it started out as a joke but with time it got even worse, our rivals started mocking us for being incompetent, but Gramps never let their words get to him, instead, he focused on working harder to secure a job for himself, but as usual, he got the same refusal and rejection from everyone. 

The only job he could secure for himself was at the Trent's company. He applied to work as a janitor for the Trent's and it got approved almost immediately. It was then that we realized that the bond between our family and the Trent’s can never be severed. Gramps sought out the elderly Trent’s at the Caribbean, telling him of the mishaps that befell our family because of the problem between them. He tried to let him see that both families can never be separated, but the elderly Trent did not pay any heed to his words, he was driven by the guilt in his heart, he failed to heed to my grandfather's warning and now his conscience is plaguing him because of the evil he had done.

Gramps decided to play another card, he decided to take himself off the chees board entirely. The elderly Trent was still mad at him and he said he doesn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore. But the old man would soon be stepping down anyway and his son, Simon Trent would replace him as chairman of the company and he would need an experienced personal assistant that would assist him in running the company. Every Hartford has been trained to work for the Trent's, so my dad tried to bargain with the elderly Trent's to allow my father to take his place and serve the new CEO, but the elderly Trent was just too stubborn and he vehemently refused my grandfathers request, telling him that the ban is not for him alone, but for the entire family.

He shut us all out, ignoring all of our pleas as we continued trying to talk him out of his rash decisions. He kept to his word and refused to have any dealing whatsoever with our family. To make matters worse, he replaced us with the Mafia lord, handing all the jobs that were meant to be our over to the Mafia lord. He had no idea that Gramps is working in his company as a janitor, if he knew about that, I’m pretty sure that if he knows that Gramps got that job in his company, he would get him fired as well. The hatred and animosity between the two elders were just too much. For a very long time, our dad kept trying to find out what really happened between the two men that warrants such rivalry, but Gramps wouldn’t say a fucking word, and neither did the elderly Trents. 

They are both so strong-headed and stubborn. My father had threatened to take his own life, before my grandfather decided to open up and tell us all that happened between them. It was so heartbreaking to know that it was all his fault, yet he blames and accused my grandfather, trying to ease his guilty conscience by blaming another. He may think that this rivalry is not affecting his family in any way, he thinks he can simply push us away and there would be no consequences, I wish he could see how wrong he is, I wish he can’t think back to when the two families were together, then he would realize that the war in his household also began after the separation.

Yes, the two Trent brothers were at peace before their father sent my grandfather away. The fight between them had been passed down to their children, Nathan and Travis. And if this issue between our families is not resolved on time, the rivalry between Travis and Nathan would also be passed down to their children, and so it would continue until we settle this dispute or until the oath between our great grandfathers is resolved. The latter is slightly impossible because we have no idea how the oaths were taken and we can’t just break such a strong oath by just saying the words. I doubt anyone of the Trent's or Hartford is prepared to delve into the spiritual and try to break the covenant between both families. The only solution we could think of right now is to try and restore the peace between both families, all our problems would go away.

We thought about it for a long time before my brother and I decided to get back into the lives of the Trents and take back our place as their trustworthy personal assistants. Gramps has failed in his attempt to reconcile our differences and get back with the elderly Trent, but he never succeeded. Our father too tried to settle it his own way also, but Simon Trent listens to his father's instructions and he never gave my father a listening ear, he never granted him an audience and even when he did, he never listened to anything he has to say because he was blindly following the instructions of his father. But Nathan Trent, he’s different, more different from all the other Trents. He has never been one to follow his father's instructions blindly. He breaks every rule, doing what he wants not what he’s asked to. 

We’ve been following up on him for a while now, we know everything he has been doing. We saw him open his own businesses even after the elders warned him not to we watched him buy his own house, despite the fact that his family had already purchased a house for him. He even married a girl he loves, leaving that bitch that parades herself as his wife. He is not as uptight as his father and grandfather, that is why we decided to go after him, we know he would listen to us, he is smart and understanding, I’m sure he would never turn us away after knowing the consequences.

We could not get to him while he was still at home, we don’t know if he had been told about the Hartford’s already, so we decided to place ourselves beside him as guards, studying him closely until we get a chance to introduce ourselves to him. When we heard the rumor that the Mafia Lord is scouting for guards for him, we both applied, using our aliases. If we had applied using our real names, we would never be picked, even with the aliases, only I got to be picked. Ray was rejected, as usual. It no longer surprises us when that happens, not after facing rejection all our lives. Raymond had to disguise himself as his copilot, taking the man's position after he got involved in an accident that took his life. 

He was one of those quiet guys that never interacted with his colleagues and never had many friends. Good thing that he has the same body structure as the dead pilot, no one in the company noticed the changes when Ray replaced him. Ray had caught the pilot sabotaging the plane a few days before Nathan Trent was supposed to leave. Before that, we had heard the conversation between Travis Trent and the elderly Trent. Travis is a snake. A slimy, slithering snake. We have watched him too and we know about his affair with Ariel. Somehow, he had found out about the little girl that the elderly Trent had kidnapped and now he is using it to blackmail the old man.


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