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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 66

Travis’s POV

“I played my part Travis, I did everything you asked. You have no right to push me aside this way, you can’t do this to me. You need me, Travis, you know you do. One word from me and the whole city would be at your doorstep seeking justice for Nathan. I won’t let you get away with this, I won’t let you trick me this way, I’ll fucking kill you?!” Ariel yelled furiously as my boys kicked her out of my house. 

The slutty bitch!

She actually thought that we are now partners, she had the effrontery to walk into my house and demand for Nathans shares in the company, she actually wants me to hand over everything that Nathan had to her, can you believe that, I mean, is she fucking high on drugs or something. What on earth would make her think that I would ever hand over my inheritance to her, I fucking planned it all, me and no one else. Although I’ll have to admit that she had played a big role in convincing his family and the public that he is dead indeed. I watched her carry herself with so much pride and charisma as she planned his burial. She had fooled everyone into believing that she is hurt by his death, I can’t believe that she was even able to force out some drops of tears at his funeral, jeez, how does she even sleep at night, who can she live in the same house with his family, watching them moan his death every fucking day?

She must think that I’m really stupid, she thinks that I stood aside all these months because I’m scared. She thinks that I’ve suddenly grown a conscience, she thinks I stayed back all these years because I am beginning to feel guilty about my actions. She must be very stupid if she has ever believed that. The only reason why I stayed back and let her handle the situation is that I do not wish to make any public statements, not when the Schwartz brothers have not been able to kill that fucking idiot. I am just using her as a distraction, I want her to take the heat away from my direction. The public would be more focused on a beautiful lady moaning about her dead fiance, they would be too distracted to observe all my movements and discover all that I’m doing behind the scenes. While they focused on her silly acting on national television, I was able to get enough evidence to make everyone believe that he is dead. I’m sure that even Ariel believes that I have succeeded in killing him, she has no idea that my plans are failing badly. But I’m confident that they will succeed because once they called off the search for Nathan, my boys were free to hunt him.

The only problem now is that he has been evading their attacks all these months, he just refuses to die. He has a helper, some guy I don’t know recognize, I don’t even know how he also ended up on that island, but he is a trained fighter and he has been protecting him all this while. If only I know who it is, I would have offered him a better deal for him to kill that bastard for me, but nobody could provide any useful information about him. Despite all the effort I have put in, I still couldn’t find out anything about this guy, it felt like he had fallen right out of the skies, nobody knows anything about this dude, nothing at all. At first, I thought that he was sent by my grandfather. He was never in support of my plans, he only went along with them because I threatened to expose his secret and lies. If I had not threatened him, he would never have done anything that would hurt his favorite grandson.

When I went to him to ask him about the man he sent to save Nathan, his response was not what I had imagined. He was even more surprised than I had been when I heard about the guy. From his reaction, you can tell that he knows absolutely nothing about the guy. Right now he is even more curious than I am, he also wants to know the identity of the strange man. A few days after I went to confront him, I found out that he has been asking questions about the guy, searching for any clue that would hint him at the identity of the guy. I think we are now on the same page, he wants Nathan dead as well, he doesn’t want to be exposed, and he is doing everything he can to cover up the truth. If only he knows that I am still going to spill the beans, I would never let him control me like he controlled Nathan. Right after I take over everything, I would get rid of him by telling the whole world just how evil he is. With him gone, I would have enough time on my hands to get rid of Nathan's parents. Right now, I need to deal with the snake that I let into my backyard,


I have ignored her for far too long, I let her do anything she likes, inlet her get away with anything she does, and it has given her more boldness, she now believes that she has a stake in our family business, my business. She is trying to play a fast one on all of us. I saw how she dealt with Nathan's other girlfriend, I saw how hard she fought her, she tried so hard to keep her identity a secret and prevent her from ever coming into the family to ruin her plans. She knows that if his parents know that Nathan has another girl that he loves, they will not let her handle his funeral arrangement anymore, they would even kick her out of the house because her presence would be an insult to Nathan’s memory. That would have completely ruined her, all her plans would have been destroyed. Right now, she has the love and respect of the whole city because she has created this image of a perfect wife. They all admire her bravery as she searched for her fiance, she never left the family house, she went on national TV and pleaded with the law enforcement agencies, shedding a few drops of tears as she pleaded for them to help her search for her fiance. 


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