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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 64

Nathan’s POV

Five days,

That is how long we have been hiding out in this fucking camp. The plane did not come as we expected. They did not keep up with their usual time, they are breaking protocol for the first time since we got trapped on this island. I don’t know why this is happening now, it is so unexpected, we never planned for this, and now we are stuck here in the camp of our enemies. I don’t know if this is merely a coincidence, I have no idea why it is happening this way, I was so sure that we would get out of this island three days ago, we had everything we needed to escape. Our plans were foolproof and we have started implementation already. 

Five days ago, we left our hideout and snuck into the camp of the Schwartz brothers. We had already mapped out their campsite the day before, we know the layout of the surroundings and their schedule. It was so easy for us to sneak in and hide in their midst, hiding in plain sight. We hid in their storehouse that is built underground, that is the only place that we could think of at the moment, only the cooks come down here and it is quite easy to hide away from him because their store is always packed full. Sometimes I wonder why they even need more supplies, it is very obvious that they would be able to consume all these foods in the next couple of months, I guess the major reason why the plane is coming down here is to get reports about us from the Schwartz brothers seeing as they could not call out as often as they would like because they are scared that we would tap into their secret network. They had no idea that we are here in their midst, we wore their uniform to disguise our appearance, then when we got into their camp and found a perfect hiding place where we can stay low and wait for our adventure the next day, but to our greatest surprise, the plane never arrived. We kept waiting and waiting, hiding in different locations, trying to stay out of their way while we waited for their suppliers to come and provide us with a means of escape, but it never came. It was almost as if they had discovered our plans, it felt like they were tormenting us on purpose, forcing us to stay longer than we anticipated. Sooner or later, the Schwartz brothers would find out that we are here in their camp, they could find us in here and when they do, we will never stand a chance against the whole team. 

The only reason why we are confident of our escape plans is that they don’t know about it, they would never ever believe that we are planning to high jack their plane. We have the element of surprise and that is what we are banking on. We never planned to stay this long, we never no contingency plans. If we get caught in this camp, then we are dead, we are so fucking dead. I can’t let that happen, I can’t die here, not like this, not after all I’ve been through. There is so much I need to do when I get back, there is so much I need to take care of, so many things I need to make right. My family would tear apart if I don’t correct all the wrong things that my grandfather had done. My evil uncle would win it I don’t go back, Travis would lead my family and he would lead them all to their deaths. I shudder to think of the future of my parents without me, it frightens me to think of the future of my wife if I don’t go back home. Not to mention the family that my grandfather shattered their happiness because of his greed, I have to find their daughter as well, I have to make things right so everyone can be happy again, and I have to go back home to my family.

I can feel Ray's nervousness and I know that he is as worried as I am, I just don’t know what to do to make him calm down. He is apprehensive its making him so worried that he couldn’t even sit straight, he has been pacing this room all morning and I don’t know how to make him stop.  If he continues like this, they may hear his footsteps, and come down here to check it out. I was just about to remind him about the dangers we would face if we get caught, but I paused immediately when I heard footsteps approaching our hideout. I guess he must have heard it as well because he stopped immediately and ran to his hiding spot and took cover before they could climb down the ladder. We heard their conversation as they got into the storehouse, it was exactly what we wanted to hear, I guess they were sent down here to put our minds at ease. From their conversation, we got to know that the plane was delayed because of the extra security that was brought in on my case. I guess my parents were not giving up on me yet, or maybe it’s Hilly, I’m sure she would never give up on me, I’m sure she would search for me to the ends of the earth, she would never give up on me, she would never leave me. I can’t wait to get back to her, I can’t wait to get the hell out of her, I can’t wait to hold her in my arms again. And from what these guys are saying, I think it’s going to be sooner than we expected because the plane is coming in today. After five days, the plane is finally coming here, no more waiting and hiding, no more sneaking around this territory, it is time to go home, I’m going back to my Wife.


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