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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 72

Hillary’s POV

We were quite surprised when Becky and Miguel came back and started packing up like some deranged lunatics. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that he was just trying to get us rattled off for no must reason but trust me, I know better. If anything, he even looks rattled off, he looks so disheveled. I could only imagine what he has seen to make him look this way. He didn’t explain it clearly to us, he only asked us to pack up all the important stuff because we are leaving in a few hours. This is not the first time that we are being attacked by Ariel’s goons, but this is the first time that I’m seeing him so rattled off and stressed out over the matter. It almost looks as if there was something else bothering him, but that’s not remotely possible, I mean, what could be more important than our lives, what could be more important. Could it be that he now regrets his actions, does he want to turn back and leave us to our problems? If that is the case, then I’m cool with it. He can leave if he wants to, there is nothing holding him back. It is going to be a bit hard, but we’ll definitely survive.

“What’s up with you, Miguel. You are acting a bit strange. Did something else happen?” I asked him a few hours later when we were safely out of the warehouse.

“I’m fine Hills. Just relax and take a rest, we will check into a hotel pretty soon, then you can take a nap.” He responded calmly, keeping his eyes on the road.

“That’s bullshit, Miguel. You know I hate it when you do this. I’ve always told you to tell me everything, I hate being lied to, I fucking hate it. You don’t have to come along if you don’t want to, you don’t owe me anything. You owe your allegiance to Nathan, and in case you haven’t noticed, Nathan is dead, he’s so fucking dead. So If you are starting to feel regret, you can just leave us to our fate. We’ll be fine without you.” I told him pointedly, sounding all tough and strict, meanwhile, I’m shaking in fear right here, hoping and praying that he doesn’t take offense to my words and decides to leave. I hope I’m wrong in my assumption, I hope he isn’t feeling regret already. We’ll be so lost without him.

“Why don’t you shut up and take a nap, Mrs. Trent. Your insecurities are the least of my troubles right now. We have so many things to think about right now, it’s quite surprising that you choose to dwell on the most insignificant ones.” he retorted angrily, making me gasp in shock as he spoke to me harshly. If he thinks I’m going to keep mute and back down because he scolded me, then he needs to think again because he just made me even more curious. This only proves that I was right all along, he has something else on his mind and I intend to find out what it is. I listened to him this time around, I keep mute and laid my head on the headrest to relax. We arrived at a hotel in the center of the city, then he walked up to the receptionist and booked a suite for two, insisting that we all need to stick together to avoid drawing attention to ourselves. I was so surprised when he paid for the suite with cash, claiming that he forgot his card in the house. I knew he didn’t forget that card, I saw him put it in his pocket so I’m wondering why he didn’t use it when it’s so much easier to pay with my card than carrying so much cash around town. I only endured until we got to our suite, as soon as the butler moved in our things and shut the door, I turned to him immediately, giving him a look that says “You had better start talking.” 

And he did. He smiled and shook his head at me, telling me that I’m damn too stubborn, then he started telling me of their encounter with the goons. Turns out that Ariel had known about the credit card that Nathan had given to me, that is how they have been tracking us. 

The crazy Bitch!!!

How on earth did she get to find out about it, how did she know?

As far as I can remember, Nathan and I were alone when he had given me that card. Did the bank call her to tell her that Nathan's credit was still being used, despite the fact that he is missing?

I guess that is what had happened, that us the only explanation I could come up with. She had been notified about the card because everyone sees her as his heir, she has bought their sympathy with her nutjob acting skills. She found out about it, and instead of coming out to ask me about it, she decided to use it against me, she decided to use it to track me down. Now I know why he is so upset, I really don’t blame him, he is simply looking out for us. That card is all we have, it is our only source of livelihood and since we can’t use it right now, it will be pretty difficult to cater to our needs while we are on the run. He has misplaced his cards and ID, Avril doesn’t have any money, and Becky is not supposed to give us any money because we dragged her down here with us in fact, we even owe her some money and I wondered how we are going to pay her when everything is so messed up right now. 


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