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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 74

Nathan’s POV

Two weeks,

That is how long we have been on the run, trying to make it out of these islands. I thought getting out of the island is the end of my troubles. Turns out I was wrong, our problems have only just begun. We had to struggle so desperately to stay alive. The people in charge of this mission are professionals indeed. They placed some thugs on all the islands nearby. They know I’ll try to escape someday so they had everywhere blocked in an effort to keep me trapped. You would be surprised at the number of thugs that were paid to kill me, you can’t even begin to imagine the kind of weapons these guys were carrying. It’s nothing short of a miracle that we had made it out alive. It’s all thanks to Ray and the little training I got from him while we were still trapped on that unknown island. But I still have a lot to learn from Ray, I still hesitate while pulling the trigger, and I still hold back from killing anyone. I only shoot to incapacitate my enemies, I don’t shoot to kill, I just can’t take a life, it’s just not right.


That is where I’m forced to live in. Ray brought me to an abandoned warehouse that looked as if the former occupants had left in a hurry or something. It was so dirty, but I had no choice, I had to make do with what I had, after all, it is way better than the island where I had no roof over my head. Funny enough, my life isn’t the same again. I am now as broke as a peasant  I can’t show my face in the city, I can’t let my family know that I’m alive because it would raise a lot of questions that I have no answers to. I had to stay hidden for another four months, staying indoors while Ray had me trained harder, trying to get me to be ruthless and merciless. During this period, Ray went out to secretly recruit some men for me, this time, he did a thorough background check on each guy before vetting them. I never knew that you could recruit guys right out of the special forces, I guess it’s true when they said that every man has got a price. For the right amount of money, you could have anything you wanted. I stayed in the warehouse for four months, I never stepped a foot outside because Rat feared that the Schwartz brothers would find me and finish the job. I had no fucking choice, I stayed indoors until my security guards were hired, then went back to my city. It’s been eight months since I left the city. I spent three months on the island, then we spent almost a month on the road, finding our way out of the island, and now I’ve spent another four months. 

The first thing I did when I got back to the city was to go and check on my woman. Ray said I shouldn’t go, but I refused to listen to him. I want to see her, I just have to assure her that everything is going to be fine. It’s been almost eight months and I miss her so much, I don’t even know how I managed to stay away from New York these few months, I guess I believed Ray when he said that everything was quiet in New York, he said that Travis is more focused on running the company and searching for me, he isn’t looking for Hillary, at least not yet. We had our plans set out already, first, I needed to head back home and face my grandfather,y he has a lot to answer to me. I have to do it secretly so nobody can know that I’m back. When I’m done with the elderly Trent's, that is when I’ll come back home to seek Justice for myself and my family.

I have to use a lot of disguises to hide my identity while I am in New York. I drove around in a cab, enjoying the beautiful sight of New York City. I drove by the company, taking a quick glance at the building. I parked by the other side of the road, gazing at the building as if it were a precious jewel. I couldn’t help asking myself if this wealth is worth fighting for, I mean, what if I have died, would it have been worth it. I just don’t know what I would do when I see Travis and his father, I just don’t know what ill do when I see my grandfather again, For all our sakes, I hope I’m able to control my anger, I just hope so. I asked the cab to leave immediately, I can’t risk getting seen by anyone, I don’t even want to contact Costello tight now. I haven’t seen Rosie and Fred either, I hope they have not been bought by Travis also. Last I heard, they were still working in the company, although they are not in the positions that I left them, but they are still there anyway. I would get a detailed report from them later, but now, it’s time to pay my baby a surprise visit, it’s time to show her just how much I miss her. I know that Travis would be keeping a close eye on her because he knows that I will come back for her. To get past the security system at the estate, Ray and I took some guys along with us and we got disguised as a construction team. We got a van that fits our disguise and we used it to gain access to the estate. Damn, A whole lot has changed in this estate, I guess they did some upgrades to make it more conducive for the occupants. This is why I chose this estate for us, it’s just so perfect.

We parked our van outside the premises, then we all stepped out and walked into the building, with the guys carrying some equipment to make it look like we have a reason for being here. Ray stayed in front, with two guys behind him, while I stayed behind those guys while trying so hard to avoid the security cameras that are installed in this building, the cameras are just everywhere. I think it’s a part of the security upgrade in the estate, I saw some of it outside as well. The housekeeper came out to open the door, then Ray said a few words to her, making her smile brightly as she invited us inside the building to do our job. I have no idea what he had said to her, but I know he has it covered, he has his way of handling everything.

“Wait here guys, I’ll go and inform the Lady that you are here, I guess she is the one that called you over because I never made that call.” She let out with a warm smile before running up the stairs in a hurry. I stepped forward and looked around the house, seeing the changes that Hillary has made to the house. I can’t believe that Hillary would wipe away all memories of us from this house, I can’t believe that she would erase everything that would remind her of me. I thought she said that she loved everything about our house, why then did she change everything, was she so eager to move on with her life, did she get tired of waiting for me, did she give up on our relationship already. I can’t bear to think about it, I simply can’t imagine it. I still searched the house with my eyes, looking for anything that would make me feel better but I found nothing, nothing at all. I heard some cute voices coming from up the stair, then I saw some kids giggling and teasing each other as they climbed down the stairs. They looked so cute, this is how I had imagined my kids walking down those stairs, this is exactly how I wanted this house to be. I got lost in my thoughts as I watched the kids, I couldn’t help but wonder who their parents are and how they got in here. I watched them run out the back door, going to play I guess.

“You have ten seconds to tell me why you’re here or I’m calling the cops on you.” Someone yelled at us from up the stairs. I followed the sound of the voice until my eyes landed on a pregnant lady that stood at the top of the stairs, glaring suspiciously at us. 


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