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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 76

Still Nathan’s POV

“Hi Gramps, did you miss me?” I muttered softly when my grandfather got into the living room. I’ve been waiting for him all morning, I snuck in here with my boys very early this morning, we took out all the guys on the premises and we did it quietly so as not to wake anyone, especially my grandfather. I won’t disrupt his sleep, no. I’m going to sit here and wait for him to wake up from his sleep. It’s 5:30 am, the whole household is so quiet because everyone is still asleep. In a few minutes, the housekeepers will be wakened up by their alarms and they will start their chores. My grandfather is always the first to wake up, it has always been his habit for as long as I can remember, that is why I know that he will be the first to wake up today, and that is why I’m waiting for him in his private room where he performs his usual morning meditation, that is always how he starts his day. But not today, it’s definitely going to be different for him because today is his day of reckoning, today he faces the consequences of all his past sins. I’ll make sure he pays dearly for everything he has ever done. He was so terrified to see me, but he tried to hide it, choosing to act all tough and fearless.

“Te estaba esperando hijo, pero no tan pronto.” He let out with a mocking smile. Then he clapped his hands, signaling for his guards to come over. I was expecting him to be disappointed, I thought no one will answer to his call because I thought I had taken out all his guards outside. But I was wrong, I was so wrong. Turns out that he was right when he said that he had been expecting this visit. Aside from the numerous guards outside, he also placed some guards inside the house, waiting for me to attack. I can’t believe that he is not feeling any remorse for all the things he has done. I could have been killed on that island, I would have been dead right now and he doesn’t even feel bad about it. How could he be so heartless, why the hell is he so hard-hearted and stubborn?

I sat on the chair, looking him in the eye, hoping he changes his mind, but he didn’t budge, he simply moved aside, letting his guards in. My boys moved to attack but I waved them off, telling them to stand aside and watch while I handle them myself. It’s time for Gramps to know that I am not the same Nathan that can be easily tricked or defeated. I stood up from my seat and took off my suit, then I folded my sleeves slowly, all the while keeping my eyes on my grandfather, observing him. He looks surprised and curious and I’m more than ready to satisfy his curiosity. I initiated the attack, fighting them off easily and effortlessly. I took them all out in a few minutes, then I sat down on the chair and gazed up at my grandfather who stood by the corner looking as shocked as hell.

“¿Qué has venido a hacer aquí, Nathan, por qué has venido aquí?

¿Has venido a matarme por mis errores, has venido a quitarme la vida?” he asked me in Spanish, our native language. When translated into English, it means,

“Why have you come here, Nathan, what have you come here to do, have you come to kill me for my mistakes, have you come to take my life, what have you come to do here?”

“I want to take what rightfully belongs to me, I want to take my place as head of the family. I paid the price, Gramps, I’ve been through hell and back. You have no idea what you have done, you have no fucking idea what you put me through.” I yelled back at him. I just can't believe this guy, I mean, how far is he willing to go to hide his secrets, is he prepared to take my life again?

“I had no choice Nathan, I had to do exactly what he wants or he was going to ruin our family. I had to give him what he wants to save our family's name, I didn’t for the family, I did it for us.” He said pathetically, making me even more furious.

“No, Gramps. You did it for yourself, it's all on you. You sacrificed me for your own selfish reasons, you did it to keep your stupid secrets. How could you Gramps, how could you?” I yelled at him once more, making him even more stunned as the colors got drained from his face. I guess he wasn’t expecting me to know about his secrets, he thought he could hide them forever, I guess he had never heard of the saying that nothing stays hidden forever. If he thinks this is a surprise, then that means he doesn’t know the true definition of a surprise either. I did a lot of consultation and planning before I came here, I have everything under control, and everyone is in place already. I planned all this to knock him off his feet and break him completely. Soon he would realize that I am no longer the same he sold out, I’m not the same Nathan that was sent to his death by his own family. This Nathan has got a plan and he doesn’t give a fuck about their feelings. Yeah, I don’t care if I hurt his feelings or break his heart, I’m back to get my revenge on each and every one of them. They must pay for all they did to me.

“¿Secreto? ¿De qué secreto estás hablando?” he asked once more in Spanish, making the veins on my forehead to stand out. If only he knows how furious I am right now, I fucking hate it when he uses our native language, it’s like a diversion from what I’m here to do. He only uses it to try and confuse me or distract me, but I won’t let him, no. Not this time.

“What are you rambling about, I have no secrets, all my affairs are plain and open.” He lied effortlessly making me smirk in satisfaction because this is exactly what I was expecting from him. I knew he would try to deny the truth, actually, I hoped for him to deny it. This encounter would not be so much fun if he doesn’t put up a fight. His denial would give me the opportunity to call in his special friends that I brought along with me, it would give me the opportunity to gain the trust of all the other elders of the family. When I expose his lies in front of the family elders and his friends, he would have no choice but to confess about his involvement in my disappearance and he would be forced to begin the normal ritual of handing out the title of head of the family to me.

“Deberías pensarlo dos veces antes de mentirme en la cara, abuelo. En caso de que no te hayas dado cuenta, llegué bastante preparado.” I responded to him in Spanish, trying to warn him to reconsider his stance on this matter and make a better decision. 

“You should think twice before you lie to my face, Grandpa. In case you didn’t notice, I came here quite prepared.” He glared back at me, ignoring my warning as he took a step forward and stood right in front of me. I guess he also hates it when I respond in Spanish, at least he now knows how it feels when he tries to suppress me with his superiority as the head of the family. I can’t wait to take that title from him so I can restore this family to the way we used to be before they all decided to let their petty greed and jealousy come between us and ruin our peace and happiness. 


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