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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 84

Nathan’s POV

I flipped through one of the files that Ray handed over to me before we left the house this morning, I just got back from the Caribbean two days ago with Gramps and two of my uncles, and my first stop is at the courthouse because I need to make my return official, I had to clear every death record that they had on me and after that is done, I’ll have to go over to our house and meet with my parents. With the testimony of the elders and my grandfather, the records were cleared and it was announced to the public that I was back and alive and that I survive the plane crash. Gramps and my uncles took the next flight to the Caribbean while I drove over to meet with my parents. I don’t know why I’ve been avoiding them all this while, they have heard the news of my return from the numerous news stations and they must be feeling hurt and pained. I guess I’m not yet ready to see their tears, I just can’t get look them in the eyes right now. A part of me hates them for giving up on me so soon, I don’t know what I was expecting from them, but I think it would have been a lot better if they had held on for a while instead of rushing to bury an empty coffin. Not to mention the fact that they still haven’t figured out that Ariel is nothing but a snake, they still left her in that fucking house and it is so fucking annoying. Last I heard, Ariel now runs the house as if it were her father's house and my mom lets her do as she pleases because obviously, she is still hurt from losing her husband to be. It’s so frustrating and I just don’t know if I can control my emotions when I get back home, but I’m going home anyway, I’ve put it off for more than two days, it’s time to face them all.

The file I first picked up is the one that contains information about the girl that my grandfather had kidnapped when she was still a baby. Ray had been searching for her while I keep up with my training in the Caribbean. The girl was adopted by a couple in Canada where Ray's grandfather had abandoned her in an orphanage. He had taken her to Canada because that is where the Hartfords resided, he wanted to keep a close eye on her and monitor her until she grows up. Who would have thought that such a little girl will go through so many challenges in life. She got adopted pretty fast, and a few days after she found her new family, They were involved in a ghastly motor accident that took their lives and nobody knows about the little girl they just adopted. 

There was nothing Mr. Hartford could do, the little girl had slipped through their fingers, he thought she had died in that accident as well, the report from the station had said that her body was damaged beyond recognition, so he gave up on his search for her, he accepted the report at the station that confirmed her death and he accepted the punishment from my grandfather. But Ray didn’t give up on her, he picked up the case file and reopened the case, going back to the scene of the accident to compile his own evidence. It was a few days that he noticed something in the coroner’s report that proved to be a breakthrough for us. The first officer that arrived at the scene of the accident had been missing when the ambulance arrived along with other cops, in the report, it was stated that officer Carl was the first to arrive at the scene, but after that, there is no other mention of officer Carl in the reports, he didn’t even give his own statement and the other officers never saw a baby or body parts of a baby at the scene, that is why the coroner concluded that she did not survive the accident, and so the case was sealed off.

Ray tried to find that cop guy named Carl, but it seems like he fell off the surface of the earth. He was just declared missing because he was never seen or heard from after that day, he is presumed to be dead although his body was never found. Ray did some digging, asking questions and tracing everyone that was related to Carl. It took a while, but he got to meet with everyone related to Carl and he questioned them about his disappearance but they had nothing to say that could help our case. He questioned everyone, I mean everyone except for Carl's girlfriend who flew out of the country after Carl went missing that day. It’s obvious that she knows something so he went after her, sending some boys to fish her out wherever he is. He found her in a brothel owned by a ruthless drug lord named Alonso. Ray wanted to get her out of there and torture her for information but he couldn’t do it because she is owned by the drug lord and he would never let her leave. He had no fucking choice, he had to pay her to get all the information we needed and it worked, she told us everything w needed to know. It turns out that Carl had been a dirty cop, he had been secretly working for Alonso, covering up for his heinous crimes and getting paid in exchange for his services. But he got stupid and he started using Cocaine, getting high on his job, and making silly mistakes all the time. He had taken one of Alonso’s girls that day when the accident occurred, he was high on drugs and he kept speeding up recklessly and that was how the accident happened, he caused the accident that took the life of that couple and it also killed the girl that he was driving with, Alonso’s girl. But somehow Carl had survived the accident along with the little baby that belonged to the couple in the other car. 

He knew that Alonso would never let him go for killing one of his girls, and in his drunken state, he thought that he could use a baby to replace the girl he had just killed. He ran back home to his girlfriend, telling her what she had done and pleading with her to follow him to Alonso. She stupidly agreed and went along with him, despite the fact that he was cheating on her when it happened. Alonso took one look at the bleeding baby and he got so furious with him and he shot him in the head right in front of his girlfriend and he handed her the baby to return it to the scene of the accident and he ordered her to come back to the brothel after getting rid of the baby, he told her she would be used as a replacement for the girl that her stupid boyfriend just killed. She took the baby back but it was too late because the cops were all over the place, so she abandoned her at the closest orphanage she could find and she ran home to pack up and run away, but she was apprehended by Alonso’s men and that is how she came to be working as a whore in his brothel.

“You can ask about her in the orphanage, I’m sure they would not forget her easily considering the fact that she is covered in blood and she had an injury at the back of her head that is as a result of the accident.” She chirped in nicely as Ray was about to leave.


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