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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 86

Still Nathans POV

“Where the hell have you been, son, why didn’t you come home sooner, you had us all so worried, your mother was so sick and worried about you. I missed you so much, we were all so worried about you.” My father told me excitedly as he pulled me into his arms for a bear hug. We all moved inside the house as my dad kept asking me so many questions while mom kept clinging to me as if I would disappear again.

“You scared the hell out of me, don’t you ever do that to me again. I thought I would never see you again, we all thought you were dead, we held your funeral, and we buried an empty casket. I kept waiting and praying for your return, I was so hurt when they found your remains, I felt so shattered and broken, I wanted to take my own life, I just couldn’t bear it.” Mom complained and sobbed at the same time, looking so disheveled and ruining her beautiful makeup. I held her into my arms and pecked her forehead, hugging her tightly, trying to reassure her that everything would be fine.

“I missed you, bro, I thought you were really dead, I believed the reports as well. I should have had more confidence in your abilities, I should have known that you wouldn’t go down easily, you are just too stubborn.” My sister joked, making everyone giggle softly.

“I never gave up on you, Nate. I never left because I knew in my heart that you couldn’t be dead, I knew you would come back to me.” Ariel let out with a smile, reminding me that she was still standing by the side. She sounds so annoying, everything about her is just so disgusting. I would have forgotten about her presence if she hadn’t been stupid enough to open her silly out to spout rubbish.

“Oh, really Ariel, is that the story you choose to go with?” I asked her with a smirk, watching her closely as she swallowed dryly.

“Oh come on, son. You can’t talk to her that way, not after all she did for this family when you were away. You need to thank her for standing by our family all this while, she never left us even when the forensic report said that you were dead. We owe her a lot for taking care of us and treating us like her own family.” My mom spoke up immediately, speaking on her behalf as always. Sometimes I think that there is something wrong with my mom, I just can’t place my finger on it. She had always tried to force Ariel on me, she had always defended her no matter what she did. I have always thought that she was doing all this simply because she wanted me to get married to the girl she chose for me, but now that I think about it, I think there is something else between them. Ariel is not the kind of girl that any mother would want for her son. Everyone in this city knows about her flirtatious attitude, she is a fucking whore that fucks every guy that she fancies, it is either my mom is too dumb to see her true character or maybe she knows about her stupid lifestyle but she chooses to ignore it. This could either mean that she is not looking out for what is good for me, that she doesn’t care about my welfare, or maybe she had no choice, maybe she is being blackmailed by that bitch Ariel. If I find out that Ariel had been blackmailing my mom all this while, I would fucking kill this bitch. Whatever the case may be, whatever their deal might be, I’m sure that I’ll uncover everything today, I didn’t come back here to pamper anyone, I’m here to get back on everyone that hurt me and ruined my life, I started with my grandfather and now its Ariel’s turn.

“Of course mom, I owe Ariel a lot of thanks, you have no idea how grateful I am to my dearest fiancee, right Ariel?” I asked her mockingly, leaving a smirk on my face.

“You don’t have to thank me, my love. I did it all for you, I would never give up on you Nathan, you know how much I adore you.”

“Yes, my love. I know how much you adore me, especially when you have been screwing my cousin behind my back. You sure do know how to express your feelings for me.” I told her with a mocking smile, wiping the fake smile out of her face. I can’t believe that she actually thought that I was going to fall for that stupid smile of hers, is she daft or just plain stupid. I dropped a lot of hints to make her see that she is way out of her depth here, but it is either she is too stupid to take a hint or maybe she thinks that she can outsmart me and make me look plain stupid in front of my family. Well, let's see who has the last laugh then.


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