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The Billionaires Desires novel Chapter 88

Ariel’s POV

How did it get so crazy in just a matter of minutes, how on earth did I get here, why did I let it get so messy, how on earth did I let this happen. I thought I had it all figured out, I had my plans set out already and it was going to work, I mean, everything was going perfectly fine, just the way id planned it, then he came back home and he fucking ruined everything for me, he ruined all my plans and he did not even blink or break a sweat while he did.


I heard he had escaped from the island where Travis had him trapped. I knew he was back, I got the report from my boys, it is reported that he is in the Caribbean, that is the first thing he did when he got back home, he finished the task he had set out for in the beginning, he went to the elderly Trents to take his rightful place as head of the family. That is how I know that Nathan is the smartest, he has always been the smart one, but I was too stupid to see that. I betrayed him and supported Travis in destroying his life and see where that has gotten me, he treated me like garbage and he wouldn’t let me have anything. I had to go back to my previous lifestyle, I had to fend for myself on the streets, screwing wealthy guys to get me the money I needed to take care of my needs.

Travis never gave me a dime since he got to that company. I asked for a leadership role in the company and he denied my request, I tried forcing his hands, and I tried blackmailing him with the little information I have on him, but he was way smarter than I had expected, he had me at a very mean position. He had a sex tape of the both of us, and he threatened to send it out to the press and ruin my reputation. He also had sex videos of me and other guys, some of these guys are my beneficiaries who happen to be engaged or married as at that time when the video was made, and there is no way that that video would come out without ruining their lives and their families. I don’t even know how he managed to obtain these videos, I thought I had always been careful, I thought I was a smart and intelligent lady, but Travis just proved to me that I am nothing more than a doddlehead. 

He just proved to me that he is quite good at this game and he played it so well that it left me with no other option than to back down and watch from the sidelines as he took over the family’s businesses. He did not bother about me anymore, he even refused to have an affair with me anymore. I guess he had always known that I would get back at him for using me that way, he knows that I would never let him go scot-free after he deliberately deceived me and manipulated me. I would get back at him, he knows that and that is why he kept me at arm's length all these years, he doesn’t trust me anymore, that is why he doesn’t want me anywhere around him.

Rightly so…

I mean, he is so damn right because I am out for his blood. I do not want to go through the stress of having to plan his downfall, Nah, that is too stressful and I am too angry to do that. All I want to do is to drive a knife through his chest and watch him bleed to death. I am way past reasonable thoughts, I want that bastard dead and I mean it. He took everything all for himself, even Nathan’s parents suffered the same fate as me, he cut down on their allowances, giving them flimsy excuses all the fucking time. The only difference between us was that he couldn’t cut them off completely because they are family, all he could do to them is to come up with a billion excuses to extort them and make them beg him for funds always. But as for me, he cut me off completely, all that is left for him to kick me out of the Trent’s mansion but I’m sure he won’t be able to succeed in kicking me out, I’ve got Mrs. Trent’s in my palms so I’m pretty sure that she would do everything to stay on my good side.

I stayed away from Travis, just like he wants, but I never took my eyes away from his activities. I know everything he has been doing, I know that he has been selling off the company's shares, he is sending all the company funds into his personal account, and building his own company while sabotaging the family business. He tried so hard to keep his activities under wraps, trying to hide his activities from Trent's father who never truly believed his lies. Yeah, the man never believed him, not even for w second, but he had to act as he did, he had to pretend to believe and support him so he doesn’t cut the family off from their allowances. He knows that his brother must have gotten into Travis’s head, he had to play along with them to avoid a war in the family. 

If you ask me, I think he is a scared Kitty cat. He is willing to stomach all their lies, as long as his family stays together, as long as the money keeps coming in. Although, he has his own private business that could cater to the needs of the family. I guess that is why he isn’t all that bothered about the family company, Or maybe the other party has uncovered the secret that he has been hiding for so many years, the same secret that turned his wife into an arsonist and made her my accomplice. If that is the case, then it is quite understandable, I mean, no one would want such dirty secrets to come out in the open, especially the Trent who has this perfect image that always needs to be kept and maintained.

I couldn’t go against Travis and I couldn’t tell anyone in the family about his plot to sabotage the company and run away with all the family's wealth. But I could sabotage him as well, I could expose his plans to the right sources and hopefully, someone may leak the information to the elders in the Caribbean and they would have no choice but to strip him of his role in the company and retrieve everything he has stolen from the family. That is exactly what I did. I sold out the information I have, I got the word out, and I leaked out some documents that would prove to everyone that he is truly trying to sabotage the company.

I did this for months, hoping that the information would find its way into the right ears and someone would put an end to Travis’s plans, but I got nothing, absolutely nothing. Travis kept on stealing from the company and the company’s shares kept depreciating as the company keeps losing its value every fucking day. The funny part of it all is that, while the family company lost its value, Travis's private company became the top. Although his company was not in New York City, the New York Times still reported that his company is at its peak and it is the best marketing and construction firm ever. They offer good rates in every department, “Quality at its cheapest price.” The newspaper reported.


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