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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 592

The morning clocked in at a lazy ten when they finally stirred from their slumbers, ambling together to the campus cafeteria for a late breakfast. At this hour, the place was practically a ghost town, the usual hustle of students replaced by the quiet clinking of sparse cutlery and hushed murmurs. As they settled into their meal, Cordelia suddenly looked up and caught sight of a familiar face approaching.

“Ms. Harper, skipping breakfast?” Cordelia greeted the woman with a casual lift of her eyebrows.

Ms. Harper had been Cordelia’s mentor back in her undergraduate days.

“Indeed, I’ve been neck-deep in paperwork all morning,” Ms. Harper confessed, a sheet of paper clenched in her hand. “It’s for the class reunion—the tenth anniversary since enrollment. The original plan was to wait for the ten-year graduation mark, but everyone's too impatient. They've tasked me with gathering everyone's details. Speaking of which, Cordelia, I guess I don’t need to update your file. Once a star student, now a grad school mentor—has the university assigned you any protégés yet?”

Cordelia had heard murmurs of the upcoming reunion. But unlike her classmates scattered far and wide, she lacked the same eagerness, especially with Ronan’s “wedding” fiasco occupying her thoughts.

“Not yet, but probably soon.”

Noticing Ronan, Ms. Harper inquired, “And who might this be?”

“Oh, he’s my boss. We’re discussing some work matters today,” Cordelia replied with a straight face.

Ronan: ….

Cordelia reached for the sheet in Ms. Harper’s hand, scanning the list of names, phone numbers, addresses, and current employers and titles. Reunions were often a show of affluence; those who hadn’t fared as well typically stayed away. Having attended one of Ronan’s reunions before, Cordelia wasn’t particularly thrilled.

“Oh, and Cordelia, your old flame, Logan—I heard there was an accident during his time teaching abroad?” Ms. Harper’s sudden question froze Cordelia’s motions.

Cordelia had nearly forgotten Logan, but the mention soured her mood.


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