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The Contracted Ever After novel Chapter 593

Cordelia didn't have any feelings left for Ronan, not even a trace.

Ronan knew he had messed up big time, leading to consequences that couldn't be fixed, and Cordelia’s love had faded into disappointment that seemed permanent.

They say, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," and sadly for him, he was facing that fury head-on.

Without making a fuss, Ronan left. This situation needed a long-term plan.

As she watched his silhouette walk confidently through the sunlight, one hand casually in his pocket, getting into his car and driving away, Cordelia couldn’t help but feel like she’d spent half her life tangled up with this man.

She grabbed a cab and headed to Logan's place with Paola.

It had been years since they last contacted each other, and she wondered if they had moved.

Then there was Whitney, Logan's aunt, peeking through the peephole.

Whitney stared at Cordelia for what felt like forever before blurting out in surprise, "Cordelia???"

She flung the door open, as if she couldn’t believe her eyes, and scrutinized Cordelia from head to toe.

"Is it really you, Cordelia?" Tears started to form in Whitney’s eyes, as seeing Cordelia brought back memories of her son, Logan.

Logan's past, both the joy and the pain, resurfaced with Cordelia’s arrival.

"Yeah, Aunt Whitney, it's me." Cordelia helped Paola to a seat.

Whitney quickly went to get some water. "And who’s this with you?"

"This is my mom."

"Your mother-in-law woke up?" Whitney exclaimed with delight, unaware of the trials Cordelia had faced over the years.

After all, Ronan's crowd was high society, while she was just an ordinary person, separated by layers of social and generational gaps that news couldn't bridge.


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