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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 40

CHAPTER 40: The Blind Witch

"SHE WILL BE the reason for your death. Maybe not literally but I know she has something under her sleeves," Calyx said while they were inside Alpha Karius' office again, reviewing some reports.

Calyx couldn't really accept how Alpha Karius forgives Lilian easily after she ditched him on his own birthday. He saw how hurt he was when he went back to his tree house. Lilian could really hurt him easily. That's what he noticed and he's afraid that in the near future, Lilian will fully wrap Alpha Karius around her fingers and control him in the end. That's not impossible to happen knowing how whipped Alpha Karius is to her.

Alpha Karius shrugged his shoulders as he scanned the pages of the reports. "I'll let her be," he answered as if it wasn't even a big deal. He's already decided that whatever Lilian's plans could be, he'd gladly embrace it all.

That's how he loves her. He loves her so much that he's giving her all the permission to hurt him, to taste her most sweetest revenge.

Calyx annoyingly shook his head, disappointed at Alpha Karius' answer. "Fucking whipped," he whispered that didn't escape from Alpha Karius' ears.

He never knew that he could be really like this, the Alpha that he looks up to is willing to get hurt by a woman. But on the other side, seeing Alpha Karius like this made Calyx somehow a bit relaxed. This only means that he's happy, unlike before when he thought that he lost Lilian. Alpha Karius was always stressed and buried himself with work, not getting enough rest. As his Beta, it actually hurts Calyx seeing him that way before.

It was a good thing that Lilian came back to him and it turns out that they are also mates, but Calyx couldn't still be at ease knowing that Lilian is planning something to Alpha Karius. Calyx will do everything to protect his Alpha, that's for sure, so he needed to secretly watch over her.

Alpha Karius chuckled. "If ever I'll die in my mate's hands, then I'll gladly rest in peace." He took it in a joking way as he smirked at him. Dying is really a heavy word but sometimes, it would cross his mind. If he will die, would Lilian even forgive him? He shrugged off that idea and looked at Calyx who's about to burst out in anger already. Calyx is really the best Beta for him. He's loyal and would do anything for him. What he likes about Calyx is he always trusts his decisions.

Calyx didn't seem to really like what Alpha Karius said and just remained serious while clenching his jaw as if he's stopping himself to punch him since his hand also balled into fist. Well, he couldn't just punch his Alpha that easily even if he wanted to. He wants to punch him for Alpha Karius to see the truth about Lilian... But he shook that idea away and just looked back at the papers instead.

Moments later, they fell into deep silence. They became serious this time on their work as their gazes went to the pile of papers in front of the both of them. The papers are about the weekly report on the pack and the welfare of everyone. Alpha Karius became really hands on to his pack when Lilian was still not back. But he became more hands on now that she's back, for her to see that he's doing all his best to be the great Alpha, not only for the pack but also for his Luna.

"Have you found the witch that I was telling you the other day?" Alpha Karius suddenly asked after a couple of minutes of silence as he leaned his back on his swivel chair.

Well, a witch told him before about the rogue attacks but he wanted to ask another opinion of another witch just to make sure. There's no harm in trying another witch this time.

Calyx nodded his head. "Yeah. She's now on her way here--" He wasn't able to complete what he's about to say anymore when they both heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Alpha Karius said.

"I'm sorry for the disturbance, Alpha but a witch is here looking for you," said Marcus, one of the werewolves guarding outside the office.

Marcus looked back a bit and gestured his head to someone outside. That's when he opened the door wider for someone to come in. It was the witch that they were talking about.

"A pleasant morning, Alpha Karius. I am Nichola, a witch from Halla." The woman wearing a black cloak bowed her head a bit as a sign of respect in front of Alpha Karius.

Halla is a bit far from the Moon Stone pack. It's actually a secluded place and there's a tribe of witches living there. He asked Calyx to look for a trusted witch in Halla to answer his questions about the rogue and some other things that concern the pack.


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