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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 41

CHAPTER 41: The Visitor

LILIAN IS NOW wrapped with a blanket after shifting back to her human form. Her body and lips were stained with blood so she wiped it with the blanket while pondering what she just did.

She's not that dumb to not realize her strength earlier. Yes, she trained herself to be stronger and learned to defend herself in Midnight Pack but she knew what she did a while ago was beyond her capability. She knew to herself that she's just an omega. She's well aware about the things that an omega can do. And her wolf... how the hell did she become bigger like that anyway?

She ripped and clawed the rogue easily and without any hint of remorse. She even throws it in the air making it fall on the ground with a heavy impact. An omega cannot do that.

"Search the whole area and make sure that there's no rogue lingering around here," said Alpha Karius to the wolf warriors of the pack. Calyx was the one who led the searching while he seriously looked at Lilian who's silently quivering.

Yes, she's shaking, that's what Alpha Karius' noticed after she was given a blanket to cover her nakedness by Teacher Naia. She's sitting on the bench with Penny who's still not talking, probably because she's too shocked by what she saw, too. He saw Penny being amazed with Lilian's wolf earlier so he clearly understands why she's not saying a word about it.

Sighing, Alpha Karius went in their direction. Penny was the one who noticed him first and stood up and left to give them time together while Lilian was still busy wiping the blood on her hand and mouth. Alpha Karius sat on the seat where Penny was occupying earlier.

"Let me do it," he said to her and took his own hanky before getting her hands from her. Surprisingly, she didn't even protest and let him be. "You were so brave awhile ago, love. I saw what you did to save the pup..." he said with his most gentle tone as he smiled a bit, trying to cheer her up. Her hands were cold and shaking a bit. He wanted to calm her down so he held her hands longer, transferring his warmth to her.

Lilian looked at Alpha Karius with now her brows furrowed. "You were here? That means... you saw it too, right?" she asked. Well, she thought that he just came here together with some wolf warriors. She suddenly thought about his reaction to how she shifted a while ago. Maybe he's also wondering how she did that.

"Yeah. I received a report that there's a rogue attack here. I got worried about the pups so..." He shrugged his shoulders, not asking about what he saw earlier. Lilian actually appreciates it. He didn't open up about it anymore, maybe he felt that she's not really comfortable talking about it which she really appreciates.

Lilian chose to not talk after that. She suddenly felt exhausted. All she wants to do right now is to have some decent rest on her bed and sleep. After exerting that kind of strength awhile ago, she suddenly felt how tired she is now like it consumed a lot of her energy.

"You can rest, love," he whispered.

As if getting what she's thinking, Alpha Karius suddenly pulled her head gently and made her lay on his broad chest, wrapping his arms around her. She just let out a soft moan as she gave all her weight to him. He shifted her weight a bit and also pulled her both legs on his lap, holding it in place to make her feel better. She felt comfortable as she closed her eyes, inhaling his manly scent on his neck.

And as if on a cue, she fell asleep feeling the loud thudding of his heart against his chest that matched the rhythm of her heart, too.


IT WAS ALREADY dark when Calyx and the pack warriors came back. Alpha Karius looked at them with his serious face as he lightly tapped Lilian's arms who's still sleeping peacefully on his chest. His touch was gentle to not wake her up.

"Is it done? Have you found any suspicious footprints of a rogue? It's really impossible that only one rogue has the guts to step on my territory," he said with so much authority. "And we have guards around the area. How the fuck did a single rogue was able to outsmart them all." He gritted his teeth in annoyance. He couldn't really accept the fact that a single rogue was able to enter his pack. What a brave move from that rogue.

He tried to think on the other side. It could be from his rivals, sending him a warning or something. It could also be just a normal rogue getting lost in his pack. Or maybe someone has sent it... He's really trying to think what could be the reason behind this rogue attack.

But then a thought suddenly came to his mind. The witch before told him about some rogue attacks that will happen to his pack in the future. It could be starting now...

"We are already investigating about it, Alpha. And about the footprints, we found out that it was the same footprint of the rogue that was killed by the Luna. There's no other rogues in the whole area aside from... him." Calyx was the one who answered and gestured his head, pointing the dead rogue on the ground that was now being pulled by the other pack warriors. The scent of its blood still lingers in the air.


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