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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 54

CHAPTER 54: The Demon Form




THE SMIRK ON HER lips was never erased as she sipped on the tea that Jackson made for her. Gianna never knew that she could taste this kind of drink again. It was sweet... very different from her painful past. She couldn't help but to remember what happened before...


Alpha Karius is the only man she has ever loved in this lifetime. She loves him so much and wished to the moon goddess that she will be his mate in the future. But then, maybe destiny has its own way. She was the happiest when Alpha Karius suddenly asked for her father's pack's help on the future rogue attacks to save his own pack. He was stressed about that problem before and of course, she talked to her father to help them. She felt bad on what's happening to his pack that time but she also couldn't help but to feel happy at the same time.


Because for the first time, he noticed her after years of just looking at him from afar. Her heart was the happiest that time.


But maybe she was too obsessed with him already to the point that she used the marriage card even though it's only a set up to strengthen his pack. She loves Alpha Karius to the point that she's willing to eliminate everyone who will be a hindrance to their relationship. She could go to that extent just to have him for herself. And that's fine to her if that's the only way.


They were both fine. Gianna settled on their so-called set up because she thought that maybe he will love her in the end too, like the way she loves him. She became the Luna of the pack for a show. She was respected by Alpha Karius' pack and it's one of the privileges of staying with him. She got to rule and do anything she wanted without any comment from anyone. She's the Queen in his pack, and she's liking it so much.


But it was all short-lived. She was wrong when she thought that she could live with all the privilege of being Alpha Karius' Luna. Because she found out that he's having a relationship with an Omega.


A damn omega! An omega who has the lowest pack among all the wolves! An omega who's the weakest of all! She can't believe that of all the wolves in the pack, he chose her! 


What did he even see in her? What's so special with that woman that she was able to get Alpha Karius' attention?! It angers Gianna to the core!


She couldn't accept it! So, she did all her best to remove her in his life. She made a decision to use her fake Luna card to remove her in his pack. She made everyone hate that omega. She thought it was all fine, because the majority of the pack was on her side. Everyone looks up to her. But then it didn't turn out well.


Alpha Karius was so mad when he found out everything that she did to the omega. He was so mad that he made her leave!


Alpha Karius forced her to leave his pack and what's really worse is her own father disowned her for what she did. Everyone suddenly hated her. The world suddenly turned upside down. But even though so many unfortunate things happened to her, she found strength on the other side... the evil and darkness. 


She became evil because they all made her to be one! Now, it's time for her to make a move and get what's truly hers! Most especially, she will get Alpha Karius... There's no doubt about that. She will get him even if he's already mated to that woman. If she needs to repeat another mistake again, then she will do it in a heartbeat!


"You should go now. They might think you are staying here long."


Gianna put down the cup of tea on the table and stared at Jackson. She smirked at him. She never knew that she could get his loyalty that easily because of his feelings towards that woman. Jackson... he's in love with Alpha Karius' mate. And she never knew that he's also willing to betray her to have her in the end. That's how cunning he is... a traitor. 


"I'm still enjoying my tea here. Are you that desperate to make me leave?" She said as she still smiled at him. "And don't you want us to discuss what you want in return for what you did for me?"


Jackson was one of her easiest targets. He's maybe strong physically but his mind is easily swayed by his own desires. His feelings for that omega made him like this. Somehow, Gianna couldn't help but to also see herself in him. They are both willing to do everything to have the love of their lives.


He sighed as he sat on the chair just in front of her. She doesn't really like to stay that long here but she would like to piss Jackson even more. She knows that he's actually annoyed to see her but he's just putting up with her whims since he wants something in return from her.


"Fine," he answered as he clenched his jaw.


"Good. You know that I'm only the one who could help you get the woman that you want." She smirked at him again. Well, she's telling the truth. If there's anyone who could match the moon goddess, then that will be her. That's how powerful she is now.


He sighed. "Then tell me how I could even do it. I did what you wanted. I hypnotized Lilian using the scent of wolfsbane that would make her kiss me while Alpha Karius is watching. I also made him drink the tea that has poison." He clenched his jaw. She couldn't help but to chuckle at what he said. Jackson is right though. It was all her idea to make him do that. And like a loyal dog, Jackson did all of it in a heartbeat for his pathetic love towards that omega.


"It seems like you're getting impatient, dear. Don't worry. Your hard work will pay off soon. I promise you that once everything is in the right places, I will break Alpha Karius and that woman's mate bond.." she smiled evilly. "Because there's no other woman that's suited to Alpha Karius but me. Only me..."



"CAN WE TALK, Nadia?" Lilian asked the old helper when she saw him busy in the garden. It was the perfect time to talk to her about what she found out in the library of Alpha Karius' mansion.


"What is it, Luna?" Nadia asked as she stopped on picking the fallen leaves from the ground and wiped her hand on the hem of her dress. She was actually surprised since why would the Luna even talk to her? It was so sudden.


"This is a bit important. Can we talk... there instead?" Lilian pointed to the farthest part of the garden.


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