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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 55

CHAPTER 55: The Surprise






"N-NADIA, AM I a bad kid?" The little Karius asked the old helper as he sat on one of the stools to drink the milk prepared for him before going to sleep. It was already dark outside and he's been waiting for her mama to come home, only to get ignored by her in return. It was as if he's not exist at all. He couldn't understand why he has to be hurt like that all the time when she's around. His heart was always aching when that happened.


Why would he always feel that kind of pain to his own mother?


Nadia looked at the innocent child and sat in front of him. "Of course not, Karius. You're a very nice kid." She smiled at him and caressed his cheek gently. She's hurting for the little alpha. She's also asking the goddess why he needed to go through this kind of pain at a very young age. 


He pouted. "But... why does my momma doesn't love me?" he asked innocently and sighed. 


Nadia's smile was immediately erased as soon as the little Karius asked that question. She knew pretty well the reason behind his mother being aloof towards him. And she can't blame her for acting that way towards her son. But then she somehow couldn't understand how Luna could hate this sweet little alpha in front of her? He's so adorable and smart! At a very young age, he was able to answer some equations and questions that only an adult could answer. He's gifted, but it wasn't enough for his own mom to give her attention to him.


"Oh, she loves you so much, Karius. It's just that... we have different ways of showing our love to everyone around us. In your mama's case, maybe she's just busy with some other things that's why you couldn't see how she really loves you. She's your mother after all..." Nadia carefully explained to him. As the little Karius grew up, she witnessed how he craved to be noticed by his own mother. And it hurts her whenever he only gets ignored in the end despite being a good boy.


The little Karius nodded. "Okay. I'll try to understand my mama from now on." He smiled, as if he wasn't hurt at all. He's a little ball of sunshine. 


Despite his little heart being crushed on his mama's treatment towards him, Karius couldn't help but to always hope. That one day... she would love him, too. He never loses hope so he won't stop praying to the goddess that he will soon grant his wish to be loved by his momma someday.


"I'll just play outside with Calyx," the little Karius informed Nadia the next morning after his breakfast. Nadia just nodded in return. He really likes to play with Calyx so much since he's not that talkative and always giving way to him. It was Calyx who really understands him the most.


He found Calyx in the maze with some other kids. There was a table and chairs there and they were like watching something interesting. They are not playing their usual physical games right now, making Karius curious even more. And when he got there he was actually surprised. They are playing chess this time. And Karius was excited since he never played that kind of game before even though he heard so much about it.


"Can I join?" he asked the other kids, making some of them look in his direction. The others are still focused on the game they are watching.


"Sure!" It was Josiah who replied and everyone agreed. "But after this game, you will play with the one who will win later."


Karius nodded and played the game. He studied how they move their chess pieces and how the players use it against their opponents in just a couple of minutes, especially the one who's leading the game. It wasn't that difficult for him to know their next moves since he's also a fast learner.


"You never played chest, right?" said Calyx when he stood beside him. 


He nodded his head. "Hmm. Yeah," he answered truthfully.


"And you will still join?" Calyx brow raised a bit, couldn't believe that Karius was eager to join despite him not really knowing the game.




"What if you'll lose in that game? They have an agreement that the loser will grant the winner's wish as punishment. Aren't you afraid?" He asked with his threatening tone and smirked at him. But deep inside Calyx, he was actually impressed by his eagerness to join the game. There's no fear in his eyes despite not being familiar with the game. But then, Calyx trusts Karius. He knew about his capability and since he's naturally smart... he knew that Karius got this...


He shook his head. "Hmm. Not really." He chuckled a bit.


"Tss." Calyx just shook his head as if he was disappointed in what he said. He was actually thinking that he would have a sudden change of mind. But he didn't. Karius just smirked and continued watching the chess game.


After a couple of minutes, the game was finished and Bryan was declared as the winner. Bryan is really good at chess. He's tall and more ahead of the other kids here. He's taller and fatter, and everyone fears his wolf since it's also fat. He's laughing at his opponent now like he's mocking him for being a loser.


"W-What is your wish, then?" asked Nick who's the loser in the game. He looked nervous now as the other kids kept on cheering Bryan.


Bryan acted as if he was thinking and even touched his chin with the tip of his finger and looked up a bit. "Hmm. Give me your wallet."


"Huh? For what?" Nick looks puzzled.


"No questions, Nick. Just give it to me." Bryan even extended his hand.


Nick was still contemplating a bit but then he took out his wallet from his pocket and handed it to Bryan. Bryan smirks and opens Nick's wallet and suddenly gets all his remaining money there.


"Woah. I never knew that you have a fat wallet," Bryan said as he chuckled, getting all the remaining money from Nick.


"P-Please, don't get all my money." Nick pleaded like he's about to cry now.


"Na-uh. We had an agreement. Whoever the loser will grant the winner's wish. And I wished to get all your money in your wallet so you don't have the choice but to give it to me." Bryan laughed again.


Nick looked down and sighed. Karius really felt bad about him. A thought suddenly came to his mind.


"Who's the next challenger?" Bryan asked as he looked at the other kids around them.


Karius raised his hand without any hesitation. "Me."


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