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The Rebirth of the Betrayed Alpha novel Chapter 39

As Alexandra grips Olivia's arm, she smirks, daring her to try and hit her with her other hand but Olivia doesn't and she quickly pushes her hand away.

"Don't cross the line, Olivia, I'm only been lenient since you are recuperating"

Laughing almost outrageously, Olivia clenches her jaw.

"I told you I will find a better person if you don't want to marry Adam Hawthorn but if you want the one I threw then you are very mistakenly because you can never have it"

Olivia and Bernard molded their first tighty, infuriated. They had not expected her to make such utterances.

"What? You don't want it"

"Alexandra get out" Olivia whispers

"Don't be so mean, I was only trying to help"

"I don't need your help" Olivia screams

"Sorry I didn't know but if you change your mind, you know where to find me" she leaves slamming the door and running up to her bedroom.

Alexandra shuts the door, falling on the bed, she had won this round but deep down it didn't feel like it. A feeling of depression engulfs her tightly as Nathaniel's edge-cutting words play in her head.

"Where are you, Nathaniel?"

Tears crowd her eyes and she blinks hating to get emotional for it was a sign of weakness and Alexandra wouldn't want to be weak. Standing up, she wipes her tears wondering if he had got back home safely that day, why he had said those words to her without letting her explain. It felt as though he had taken Olivia's side over hers scolding her and even bringing up their marriage.

As the memory continues to play, Alexandra feels a knot tighten in her chest and she goes to sit by the window, staring into space for a long brooding silence.

"Nathaniel, oh Nathaniel" she whispers

Her mobile phone rings, pulling her back to reality causing Alexandra to groan, and dragging her feet, she moves to the bed stand seeing Adams's name flashing on the screen, Alexandra tosses her phone aside falling back on the bed.


It's a message from Adams that reads. "Are you at home?"

Picking up her mobile, Alexandra rolls her eyes, she had forgotten all about him but he had to make himself known as always.

As Alexandra reads the message, a part of her wanted to respond, or else he would keep buzzing her line, and another wanted her to just forget about him and drown in her depression.


Another message pops in from Adams that reads. "Are you not going to reply?"

Running her hand through her hair, she glances around, and a lot of things run through her mind. The last thing she wanted was for Adam to show up at her house.

"Adam, why do you always come at the wrong time?" She bites her lower lips.


Another message pops in from Adams. "I hope you are okay"

Without hesitancy, Alexandra quickly switches off her phone, closes her eyes, and slowly begins to drift off to sleep with Nathaniel's words still lingering around somewhere in her head, darkness finally takes over her.

The doorbell bellows through the house and Alexandra tosses around, unable to sort out between reality and delusions. The doorbell rings again and she tosses around, sits up, and opens her eyes.

She yawns, running her hand through her hair, famished. The doorbell bellows through again and she sighs, standing up.

"It's not as if anyone's at home by noon, who comes to someone's house by this time" frowning, she walks out of the room into the dark hallway and down the stairs to the living room.

A soft knock comes on the door as she approaches, walking towards the door she flings the door wide open exposing Adams standing by the door with a box of chocolate.

"Hi" He whispers and Alexandra stiffens, wanting nothing more than to slam the door in his face.

For a moment she had thought it would be Nathaniel standing behind the closed doors waiting to be let in and she would have let him in, showing him her bedroom and doing other things together but all that was gone since she was stuck with Adams and he wasn't so easy to get rid of.

"Are you okay? You don't look too good"

Gawking at him, Alexandra doesn't utter a word.

"Alexandra, are you okay?"

Realizing herself, Alexandra snaps back to reality, and a faint smile creeps onto her face.

"Adam, hey, come in" as she steps aside, Adam enters glancing around the house.

"Is been like what? Two days and I've forgotten what this place looks like"

Confused, Alexandra reclines in a seat and he joins her.

"How have you been Alexandra?"

"It's been crazy with everything that's been going on but I'm pretty good".

"Did you get my text messages?"

"What text?"

"I sent you a few messages, didn't you get them?"

"I didn't"

"Where is your mobile phone?"

"Upstairs on the bed stand, I think"


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